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Lisa's pov:::::

I'm happy to know that my unnies are dating and they are happy now but it makes me feel single.

"Unnie Don't cook for me I'm going with Jimin" Cheng yelled coming down stairs.

"Yahh!! I'm not cooking beside I'm going out with Jin too"

Me and Jennie unnie looked at her.

"What about my food, give me some food I'm so hungry" I faked cried.

"You can eat cup noodles"

"Yeah babe I'm coming wait" Cheng said on her phone.

"Jimin is waiting for me"

"Jin will arive soon too I have no time"

"Yeah you, why am I feeling so single"


" I'm single too and I'm not complaining "

"Because you were born to be alone, and I don't want to die being single"

"I think Jungkook will propose you so don't worry" Rosé said.

"If he didn't I would do it"

I'm at library now waiting for someone who Texted me to meet here.

I decided to spend time by reading some story books. And someone sat beside me and for my surprise it was.


"Jungle book what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to meet my girlfriends and I saw you so I came here to talk"

Girlfriend?? Does he have girlfriend, I think I don't have any chances.

"Ohh okay is she arriving late?" I asked.

"She have already arrived"

"Really where is she, what are you doing here?" I asked finding her in library but to my greatness I found many girls here.

"She is really beautiful and I love her, like love at first sight. I hope she will never cheat on me i really love her and I can do anything for her"

Why he is saying it to me??

Like I care. But i really care I loved Jungle book too, maybe it's just one sided love. I sighed and said a simple "ok"

"You need to accompany her"

"I'm doing it anyhow so bye"


He really left.

Omg I can't believe him he left me because of his girlfriend??

When I turned around I found

A boy

He is standing there with a box and a letter in his hand. He offered it to me and I took it and he said "hope you won't disappoint me"

"Are you the one who texted me?" I asked he nodded and left.

Well he was handsome and tall.

I opened the letter and I read it.

Hello beautiful
I'm your secret admirer and I want to confess you something and hope you don't disappoint me, if you want to know who am I then come at beach at 5 pm and don't forget to wear that gifted dress.

With love
Llod ybab.

Whose this Llod I don't know him and the dress I have to talk to someone.

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