11.... Party party yeah...

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Here we go it's party time.
As Mr. Kim informed it's a party hosted by Mr. Kang. Yeah seulgi's father and every body of his friends are invited with their whole family.

Here arrives Minatozaki family.

Sana hugged her bestie and congratulate her family for their 22 anniversary.
And she took seulgi's hand and went to drink with her while their parents were talking with Mr and Mrs. Kang.

Here comes Chou family.

Tuzyu hopped from their car and went toward the Kang couple to wish them and asked about seulgi then Mrs. Kang informed her she went towards seulgi and Sana hugged them and took a drink too.

Finally Son family make their arrival.

Same thing followed by them they wished the couple and wendy joined the other three accompanying them drinking.

Then two black expensive cars stopped at gate gathering others attention.
When the car stopped four handsome male with a young couple came out of it with a bouquet in their hands with a gift and headed towards the Kangs.

But unfair Kang is not close with these families they only waited for a family to join them. What's taking them too long. They thought.

Mr. Kim handed the flowers to the couple and jimin being their daughter's boyfriend handed them their gift with a forced smile which wasn't visible to anyone except his brothers.

"Thank you Mr. Kim for your precious presence" Mr. Kang offered handshake later hugged by Mr. Kim.

"Yeah we need to come though we are all friends right?" Mr. Kim showed his drink to everyone getting yes as answer.

"Well Jimin seulgi is with her friends" Mrs. Kang informed.

"Okay Mrs. Kang" Jimin and his brothers moved towards the bar counter to order something.

"Hey baby" Seulgi cringe on his arm.

"Hello" Jimin simply wished her.

"Why are so late, we were waiting for you for so long" Wendy said while shaking Jin's arm.

"We have our personal life wen" Jin said taking sip.

"You are looking handsomely Jung-" "I know right" Jungkook cut Tuzyu.

"Well V let's dance".

V ignored her.

"Hey guys" Rap line interrupted them and saved Sana from getting insulted.

"Well hello too" Nayeon momo and Jihyo too greeted them.

Kim brothers greeted them and they all were enjoying and drinking suddenly their attention diverted to the gate where Lee family is getting in with their pretty Daughters.

Mr. Kang ran to hug Mr. Lee and same with Mrs. Kang she hugged Mrs. Lee and the girls greeted them with a smile on their lips.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Kang" Jisoo greeted followed by her sisters.

"Thank you sweeties, enjoy your day" Mrs. Kang thanked them with a precious smile which is very costly.

While Lee's and Kang's having their chats the girls decided to walk some distance.

"Look whose here" Sana sarcastically said.

"Yeah Lee is here at kang's" Seulgi mocked.

Jimin and other stared at the girls.

"So what are you bitches doing here?" Wendy asked.

"You know it's ban to break into someone's party" Tuzyu said while sipping her drink.

"Why should we do that beside we got VIP invitation" Jisoo said showing invitation card.

"We got seperate VIP cards not as a family" Rosé said.

"And we are here to enjoy the party" Lisa said.

"Okay I think we should not make more problems today it's your parents Anniversary so just offer them drink"

"What drink do you want our dear VIP guests" Seulgi said annoyingly.

"we don't drink"

"Huh you guys don't drink and what the hell you are doing well btw".

"We were just walking around and you guys stopped us by your dying bitch's voice"

"How dare you" Seulgi was about to punch.

"Seulgi, what are you doing" Mrs. Kang yelled causing seulgi to stop.

"I'm sorry dear, my daughter has no brain"

"It's okay Mrs. Kang" Mrs. Kang glared her.

"I mean Aunt"

Mrs. Kang left glaring seulgi and mouthing her 'don't you dare to do so'.

Seulgi and her friends left.

"So do you know Mrs. Kang?" Jimin asked.

"Yes we know" Jisoo said leaving while rosé and Lisa stood there.

"It looks great on you Mr. Kim" Rosé said pointing towards his bandaged hand.
Jungkook again burst into laughter only to get pinched by Jimin.

"See you around Mr. Jungle book" Lisa mocked. This time it was jimin's turn to laugh.

"Ju-jungle jung-le jungle book hahahahahah" Jimin was laughing very hard getting a punch from the younger.

"Pinch is equal to punch" Jin stated laughing and other three glared him.

Lee sisters were enjoying the music while sitting and eating, suddenly they felt four boys' presence.

"Hey princess" A boy said.

"Sehun?" Lisa said.

"Missed me?" Another said.

"Obviously not Chanyeol" Rosé said.

"How about you soo"the third asked.

"Me too oppa D.O" Jisoo smiled.

"And what about you nini?" Another asked.

"Don't call me that"

The boys hugged girls and when it was Jennie's turn she backed away.

''Don't come near me, I'm warning you Jongin and stay away from me"

"It would be better if you stay away from her" Lisa said anger can be seen in her eyes.

"But I want-"

"Shut up don't even say a word"

"Jennie I wanna say sorry, please jen-"

"Don't come near me and get lost don't ever show me your face"

Jongin backhugged her. She yanked his hands away and "don't touch me and get lost" She walked away followed by Jongin.

Jennie was at pool alone and it was peaceful until..


"Get lost"

"Let me explain"

"No need"

"Jennie please hear me"

"After you used me?"

"No I didn't Jennie"

"Go away if you want to be alive and never be back" Jennie said.

"Jennie please stay with me please" Jongin hugged her and she tried to push him but he was quite strong for her strength, she even stepped on his foot but he didn't even moved a little.

Hey, stop it.

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