Chapter 1

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Lily's POV

I guess you could say that I've always loved the beach. I loved the sand and the ocean, the sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks in the distance, the sounds of children and families playing and even the sounds of the seagulls searching for their next meal, although they did terrify me slightly. I spent most of my free time laying down on a blanket I'd placed on top of the sand or walking along the shore letting the cold water brush against my bare feet.
Being at the seaside made me calm, it reminded me of my mother. She suddenly passed away when I was six years old and this was the only place on earth I actually felt close to her— sometimes I would talk to her, I'd get looks from people who were walking by probably thinking I was a crazy person for having conversations with myself but I didn't care. I suppose that's one of the things I was most known for—not caring.

My dad remarried a few years after my mum passed away, I was heartbroken and the feeling of having a 'mum' again kind of terrified me in a way, especially when dad and Shauna went on to eventually have their own kids.
I was a proper little daddy's girl growing up but then when Jordon and Rosie came along, I was pushed away and so I started rebelling against my dad's rules even though their wasn't actually that many.
I'd stay out later than my curfew or I wouldn't come home at all, I'd get caught drinking and smoking, even sometimes taking drugs... yeah I'm not proud of that one. Then little Liam came along, he was the cheekiest little boy I'd ever known and with my dad and step-mum having four kids now and both working full time jobs to provide for us , I felt the need to step help them and start acting my age so at 17 I became a second mum really to Liam, Jordon and Rosie.

When I was 19 my youngest sister Poppy was born, my dad was on a business trip at the time when Shauna went into labour so of course, I was her birthing partner which made me a whole lot more closer to both her and the baby. I had fully calmed down from my rebellious phase and started planning my future I guess, even though I had no clue on where to start.

On the fourteenth anniversary of my mum's death, I fell into a really depressive state. That year was probably one of the hardest of my life, I had fallen in love and got my heartbroken badly, my nan had passed away and then stupidly I made the decision to get back with my ex and that became the most toxic relationship ever.
As a way of expressing my emotions, I wrote songs and would record my self singing them on my iPhone, looking back now It was terrible— absolutely terrible music but they showed me, my heart and my mind in a way that I didn't even realise until recently.


Lily Robertson was your average twenty-two year old woman, she had long brunette hair and piercing green eyes. Her skin was pale with a pink undertone and she loved music and dancing.
In fact when Lily was younger she would travel the whole of Europe for dancing competitions, most in which she would place third or above.
She still lived with her dad, step mum and her four younger siblings, Jordon, Rosie, Liam and Poppy— oh and the dogs, Max and Benji.

Lily sat on the sand as she stared out into the ocean. She hoped and prayed that some kind of  miracle would come along and she'd be whisked away from her boring little house on the outskirts of Newcastle and begin a new adventure in a huge city, somewhere like New York or Glasgow or London but things like that only happened in movies and this was reality, she would probably be stuck in her little town for the rest of her life but that didn't stop her from dreaming.

Lily's POV

"Hey Dad, I'm home" I said as I closed the door behind me, kicked off my shoes and hung up my coat.
"In here love" I heard my dad shout back from the kitchen.

He sat with his nose in the local newspaper, a cup of coffee sat at the side on a cream coloured coaster and the tv playing quietly in the background.
"Where is everyone?" I asked as I made my way over to the fridge and making a sandwich before sitting opposite my dad.
"Oh Shauna's taken the kids swimming, giving me some quality time to relax" He replied as he put his paper down, leaned over an grabbed half of my sandwich.
"Hey! Get your own" I exclaimed as I pulled back my plate chuckling. My dad was just like any typical father, he knew how to have a laugh and was never strict towards me. He loved reading and watching the news but most importantly he loved his family.

"So Lils, I was thinking, when do you plan on leaving the nest, you know getting your own place?" He spoke rather abruptly causing me to choke on my sandwich.

"Hadn't really thought about it, Why do you want me to leave?" Panicked I asked him after I'd taken a sip of water.

"No, no— of course not sweetie but your twenty-two now, don't you think it's time?" He was right, this place was crowded enough as it is and I couldn't depend on him forever especially when he had other children to raise as well, the youngest of the Robertson clan only being three years old.

"Yeah I guess you're right dad, why are you always right?" I chuckled.
"That's me Lils! Mr Right" He replied with a chuckle.

We chatted for a few more minutes before I headed upstairs. I knew that it was finally time to leave home so I immediately opened my laptop and began filling out applications for flats around London. I guess I was just drawn to the place? I really felt that I could have a life there,  maybe meet someone and fall in love or maybe not and instead just die alone which I was pretty sure I was going to do anyway. I could imagine myself being eighty years old surrounded by dogs, living on my own. Yep my love life was a fucking disaster. I applied for a few houses around the Newcastle area as well as places close by, I'd decided to keep my options open.

"Lily, can you come down for a sec!" I heard Shauna shout from downstairs. After closing the lid of my laptop, I stood up and began making my way downstairs to join them.

"What's up?" I asked as I made my way into the living room.
"Shauna and I have something to say" Oh here we go.
"We're... em having another baby!" They said as Shauna passed me the scan photos.
"Oh! Oh Wow! Oh my god!" I was shocked, happy but shocked.
"Ah so that's why we had that conversation earlier, you need the space" Everything started forming into place, it was like a jigsaw puzzle in my head.
My dad slowly nodded his head as he walked over and hugged me. "You're not mad are you sweetie" He spoke as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"No of course not, don't be stupid Dad. I'm happy for you, for you both" I added as I hugged my dad back and eventually made my way to Shauna giving her a hug as well.

Shauna then proceeded to tell me all about her pregnancy so far, her due date and other baby things that I wasn't particularly interested in. Instead I was in my own head and thinking about getting my own place, I had already put my name down for a few places but whether I'd get any of them was a completely different story.

I wouldn't say anything to anyone unless I managed to get a house or a flat but that could take ages and with it being London could probably take forever.


Two weeks had passed and Lily had finally heard back from the housing agency in London. She had yet to open the email, she was terrified of the rejection that was possibly enclosed.
Lily pondered back and forth in her bedroom.
"Just open it Lils, It's only an email" She mumbled to herself as looked over at the computer.
"Ugh stop being a coward and just open the thing" She then added as she walked towards the laptop and clicked on the email.
"Blah Blah Blah, I got it! I got a fucking viewing YES!" She shouted.

Lily's POV

"I can't believe I got it! DAD!" I shouted again.
My dad ran in the room holding a very large wooden spoon, his 'weapon'.
"What! What's going on" He asked out of breath.
"I applied online for a house and I got a bloody viewing! How amazing is that!" I said excitedly.
"That's great sweetie! Awh I'm so proud of you" My dad expressed as he hugged me and looked towards my laptop.
"London? Are you sure?"
"I'm sure dad! I think that I'm finally ready to start my life" I answered his question smiling.
"Well, Let's celebrate then! Oh we can get cake!" He replied excitedly, god that man really loved cake.


Lily and her family celebrated her new adventure, she was beyond excited to go and view the house that would hopefully be her new home.
In a few days she would travel down to London and within the month her life would change forever... not that she knew it yet.

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