Chapter 6

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•1 month later•

Lily sat on the phone to a crying Jade.
"He's just being a fucking arsehole Lily, I'm his daughter for fuck sake. He should at least take my feelings into consideration before shagging some slapper"

"Hey, It's okay... It'll all be okay. When my mum died and my dad moved on I was fucking destroyed but I learned to love Shauna and I know how happy my mum would be that my dad moved on" She tried to reassure her bestfriend.

Lily had gotten a phone call from Jade over an hour ago. Her mum and dad divorced a few months ago and he had already moved on even though they had been together for 26 years. According to Jade, her father claimed he would never love again but clearly he would.

"It's just so fucking frustrating Lils".

"Why don't you come over? We can have a few drinks and blare music all night" Lily suggested.

"Yeah! A proper girly night, I'll be over soon" Jade sniffled down the phone before hanging up.

Over the past month Lily had grown a whole lot closer to everyone especially Jj, he was literally her bestfriend other than Jade of course.

Lily's POV

"I'm here! I brung facemasks and vodka!" Jade yelled as she barged through the front door.

"Ooo my two favourite things" I said as I ran up to her and grabbed the vodka.

"Excuse me" She stated point at herself.

"Oh sorry, three favourite things" I added acknowledging Jade and patting her on the shoulder.

"I was thinking... Friday night? We could have some pre drinks and invite everyone out? Go to the pub or something" Jade mentioned as she sat on the sofa and opened of the facemask.

"Yeah why not, I'll text Jide" I responded reaching for my phone.

"What's going on with you guys, You've been super close recently" She hinted as she looked over at me wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nothing! We're just friends" I expressed.
Jade said nothing but just looked at me clearly not convinced.
"We're just friends Jade, nothing more and nothing less" I reassured her but It still seemed as though she wasn't convinced but thankfully she let it slide.

I'll be truthful with you, with all the time that me and Jj where spending with each other I was pretty sure I had some sort of feelings for him. Okay I wasn't pretty sure, I was probably about 99.9% sure.
I'd never tell anyone though, especially Jade because she would tell Harry and then Harry would tell Ethan and Ethan would tell EVERYONE.

"Harry's up for it, he said he and the boys would meet us in a few hours" Jade announced breaking me out of the trance I was in with my thoughts.

"We should invite T and Frey round to get ready" I proposed.

"Yes! I'll call them"

5 minutes later Jade informed me that Talia and Freya would be over soon, with vodka might I add.


Lily and Jade wiped their facemasks off and sat around awaiting on Talia and Freya's arrival which surprisingly didn't take long.

By the time the girls were half ready they were already drunk. At 10pm as they promised they reached the nightclub, a pub was to boring and quiet which for this group was a complete nightmare.
Quiet was a foreign word to them.

"Hey bitches" Lily called out as she walked into the club and over to where the boys were sat.
"Well we're in for a long one tonight boys! Lily's already drunk" Harry announced laughing which was followed by a chorus of laughter.

"Aw shut up Harold, I'll get the drinks in!" Lily offered as she then went on to ask what everyone wanted, writing it down in her notes on her phone.

"I'll help you carry them Lils" Jj volunteered as he stood up and followed Lily to the bar.

"Does anyone know what's going on between they two?" Harry chimed into the ongoing conversation as he watched the two walk away from the table.

"Well Jj claims they're just friends" Simon spoke.
"That's funny, so does Lily" Jade added.

The sidemen and the girls spoke about the subject and even Simon and Jade made bets on when Jj and Lily would get together.
Jade said that It would never happen and Simon said It would happen within the next six months.
£100 pounds was on the line, the moment money was mentioned everyone started placing their bets, some said it would happen in a year whilst others said it would be less.

"What's going on?" Jj asked as he and Lily returned from the bar carrying two trays of drinks and shots.
"Oh we're just talking" Ethan spoke up and he grabbed a pint of beer off the tray.

"Ooo c'mon Lily! I love this one" Jade said as she dragged Lily onto the dance floor.

Shot after shot, vodka after vodka, Lily was unable to stand up let alone walk. Jj had her flung over his shoulders as they walked home, who made the decision to walk? Well no one knew but the drunken friends thought it would be a good idea... It wasn't.

Talia, Vik, Harry and Jade were yelling the lyrics to 'Mr Brightside' by The Killers. Ethan and Simon were holding onto each other for support and Josh was carrying Freya bridal style along the streets of London.

"I'm beginning to think we should've got a taxi boys" Tobi announced as it began raining.

"Ahh rain, I love the rain" Lily said as she suddenly was overcome with energy. Jj put her on the ground but was still supporting her incase she fell over.
She began dancing and singing along with Talia, Vik, Jade and Harry.

Tobi being the least drunk made a decision to call a taxi as he didn't want everyone to get ill due to the change of weather.


Everyone pilled into the sidemen house. Apparently everyone was staying there for the night.
"Have you got any food? We're absolutely starved out here" Jade shouted from the living room.

Everyone was surprised that Lily was still alive, only an hour ago was she practically in coma and now she was up dancing and drinking in the sidemen's living room. Most people had went off to bed but those who weren't "pussys" carried on the party downstairs.

"Right c'mon Lily, I think it's bedtime" Jj said as he ushered Lily upstairs.

"What a party pooper!" She shouted as she tried running away.
Jj picked her up and flung her over his shoulders for the second time that night, he made his way upstairs and into his bedroom.
He walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed a sdmn t-shirt and a pair of joggers, flung them over to Lily and told her to put them on as he left the room to give her some privacy.

5 minutes later he knocked on the door and asked if Lily was decent, her reply was yes.

"I'll sleep on the floor, you can take the bed" Jj offered as he grabbed a pillow and blanket.

"Don't be silly, we're adults you can sleep beside me" Lily piped up as she moved over slightly and patted the space beside her.

"Are you sure Lils?" He asked unsure of her remark.
"Of course I'm bloody sure stupid, c'mon" She patted the space beside her one last time before Jj finally gave in and lay beside her.

Lily and JJ spoke briefly before falling asleep in each other arms. Unintentionally of course but they claimed it was the only way they could get comfortable but to be honest, they just wanted to be close and feel the comfort of another person.

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