Chapter 19

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Lily's POV

*RING... *

"Hello?" I said groggily as I was awoken from my sleep at 4:38am by the phone constantly ringing.
"Lily! Help! I...I'm bleeding and I don't kno... I'm so scared" I shot up as I heard the words leave Jade's mouth. My heart was literally beating out my chest as I slipped my shoes and dressing gown on and ran out the bedroom.

I ran to Jade's house as fast as I possibly could and barged through the door, I heard screams and crying coming from Jade's bedroom.
"Lily, I'm so scared" Jade panicked as she hysterically cried.
"Hey, Hey it's okay. Everything's going to be okay" I tried my best to reassure her but honestly I wasn't so sure myself, god knows where Harry was and by the amount of blood that surrounded Jade i instantly knew what was happening not that I wanted it too.

I called the ambulance and explained to them what I knew but with Jade hysterically crying beside me I wasn't actually sure what had happened.
After the calling the emergency services, I started calling Jj in hopes he would wake up and thankfully he did, he rushed over to Jade's house and started calling all the boys but literally no one knew where Harry was, they hadn't seen or heard from him since after the gender reveal and the last anyway saw of him he was absolutely bladdered.

5 minutes after Jj ran over, the ambulance arrived as the paramedics took us into the ambulance Jade was screaming in both heartache and pain and still no one could find Harry.

We arrived at the hospital and Jade was immediately taken to the maternity ward but me and Jj were told we weren't allowed in unless we were family. I spent an hour arguing with nurses and doctors but still wasn't allowed in the room. Simon, Talia, Freya, Josh and Tobi had arrived at the hospital and were in the waiting area along with us.

At 6:12 am, Harry finally answered the phone.
"Yo Harry, Where the fuck are you!" Jj said down the phone, knowing that Harry had finally picked his up I grabbed Jj's off him and started shouting down the phone at Harry who was still completely oblivious as to what was going on.
"Get to the fucking hospital now!" I told him as I ended the call, giving him a brief description of what had previously happened.
"Lily... Robertson?" I heard a voice say as I looked up and made eye contact with one of the midwifes I assumed.
I stood up saying nothing but instead followed her into a room where Jade was lay on a bed crying her eyes out.

"She's gone Lils, my baby's gone" She sobbed as I pulled her in for a hug and cried along side her. My mind went blank and my body went numb. As I hugged my bestfriend I knew how much this had destroyed her, she was so excited to bring life into this world but sadly that life was taken from her before it had even begun.

We cried in complete silence for a while before Harry barged through the doors and ran over to Jade asking her a million questions. I made my way out the doors and back to the waiting area, leaving Harry and Jade alone to grieve the loss of their daughter.

"Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" Talia asked in a panic as she noticed me walking towards the group who were pacing about the hallway. I said nothing but instead shook my head no and broke down into tears which only clarified what had happened. Talia and Freya joined me in crying, Jj walked over to me and embraced me as I cried onto his shoulder.

We all sat in the waiting area for an hour or so before Harry came out of the room and explained to us what had happened, he told us that there was no explanation as to why Jade had lost the baby which was even more heartbreaking not knowing the reason as to why this had happened. She had been induced and would have to give birth to the baby.

It was truely devastating to know that my bestfriend would have to deliver her daughter knowing that she wouldn't be alive, I refused to leave the hospital until i knew that Jade would be okay. Harry rushed back into the room after the short conversation we had. I didn't actually understand the full process, all I knew was that her waters would be broken and she would have to deliver the baby naturally.


We were joined by the rest of the sidemen shortly after. We all sat waiting impatiently for them to return, every few minutes we would hear Jade scream out in agony.

"Lily! Lils, she wants you" Harry shouted as he ran out the doors only to run back in with me following him.
I entered the room that was full of midwifes and rushed over to my bestfriend who was screaming as she experienced another contraction and held her hand.

4 hours later.....

"I can't do this. I don't want to do thi... AHHHHHHHHHH" She screamed as she pushed once again.
"Right Jade, next contraction that comes im gonna need you to give it your all" One of the midwifes said as she grabbed a few towels and placed them under Jade ready to deliver the baby.
"I'm so scared Lily" She said as she cried.

I held her hand through it all, I held her hand as she cried, screamed and pushed.

"No No No, my baby" She yelled as her daughter was
placed in her arms. She was tiny and very fragile. As Jade and Harry held their baby girl they sobbed so did I.
"Lily" She said as she sniffed.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"No not you, Lily" Jade said again as she stared at her daughter and passed her to me.


A few hours later, Jj and I walked through the front door of my house. I didn't want to leave the hospital but Jj and Harry forced me too. Jade would have to stay in a hospital for a few days so the nurses could monitor her. The moment my head touched the pillow I fell asleep, I guess with everything that happened that day I never realised how exhausted I had been.

I slept for hours and I mean hours, I fell asleep around 6pm and didn't wake up until half 7 in the morning.
"You okay?" Jj asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
"I think so, I don't really know to be honest. I feel so drained, I can't even imagine how Harry and Jade are feeling" I responded as I lay back down and Jj wrapped his arm around me.
"It's gonna be okay, We'll get through this" He tried his best to reassure me but I knew that it would take a long time for Jade to recover from this... if she ever did.

That whole day was spent in bed, well until 5pm when we headed to the hospital to visit Jade and Harry.
"How you feeling?" I asked as I entered the room she was in. Jade was pale, she had visible tear stains on her cheeks, her eyes were puffy and red. I was 100% sure that she hadn't slept or if she had it wasn't for very long.
Jade said nothing, she barely ever blinked. She stared at her daughter who still lay in her arms, she refused to let the midwives take baby Lily away, which i completely understood why.

I tried my hardest to get Jade to speak to me or atleast acknowledge that Jj and I were there but failed, I decided to give her as much space as possible knowing that she was grieving.
We spent a few hours at the hospital before heading over to Jj and Simon's place for once as Jj needed some more clothes but honestly we were too tired to make the journey back to my house so we stayed there for the night.

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