Chapter 37

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With wedding week beginning, the soon to Olatunji household was racing with excitement. On the 1st of November, Jj had his Stag Do. It was a night full of fun, drinking and getting up to stupid shit with his friends. Surprisingly after all the boys drinking the night before, they where more than ready to consume their bodies with alcohol once again.

On another note, Lily's hen night was spent with a few bottles of wine in the company of her best friends in her house listening to music and playing classic board games. It was completely different from Jj's wild night out but with the hangover from hell, she didn't mind.
Lily had finally finished the wedding playlist and had sent it over to the DJ, with over 15 hours worth of songs because let's be real this group of friends never seemed to sleep unless it was morning and the birds were tweeting away.

Jj had appeared home at 4 in the morning and immediately went straight to bed where his soon to be wife was fast asleep with their daughter, he carefully picked up Daisy and walked into her own bedroom before placing her in her cot.

"Did you have fun?" Lily mumbled sleepily as she opened one eye and watched her fiancé struggle to get his jeans off.
"Go back to sleep babe, I'll tell you about it in the morning" His reply was, finally managing to pull the jeans off he climbed into bed and wrapped his arm around Lily who had already fallen back asleep.

Waking up in the morning with a screaming child did not help Jj's headache one bit. Just like every morning, Lily grabbed her dressing gown off of the bedroom door, kissed Jj's forehead and made her way into Daisy's bedroom.
"Good morning Daisy" She said as cheerfully as she could at 6 in the morning. Daisy replied with a huge smile on her face and the cutest little laugh. Like clockwork, the two made their ways downstairs and Lily sat Daisy into her bouncer whilst she made her bottle. Talia, Freya, Ellie and Faith left really early last night and thankfully Lily had cleaned up before she went to bed. She made herself some breakfast after feeding and changing Daisy and then plopped down on the couch for an hour before getting dressed for the day.

It wasn't until midday when Jj and Harry had finally risen from their beds, both of them groaned as they walked into the kitchen looking for paracetamol and water. "Good night?" Lily asked the boys as they groaned again, she laughed as they lay on the couch.
Jj swung his legs over Lily and grabbed a pillow before putting it over his eyes in hopes to block out some of the light coming in from the window.
"We had to carry Tobi and Vik home" Harry almost whispered, "Shhh you're practically screaming" She heard Jj talking from underneath the pillow, Lily laughed which was followed by Daisy copying her and laughing too.

Jj and Harry spent their day on the couch dying whilst Lily and Daisy went on a little walk into town along with Faith who had met them.

"How's Ethan holding up?" She asked Faith as they sat in a little cafe sipping on hot chocolate. "Hasn't moved from the couch all morning, has Jj filled you in on what happened?"
"Nope, he's basically been sleeping all day"
"Well apparently little innocent Tobi, isn't so innocent after all" Lily's eyes widened as Faith told her all the gossip she had found out from Ethan and by the end of it her jaw was practically touching the floor.
"Fucking hell, I didn't know he had it in him" She chuckled, "Tell me about it".


November 3rd

Lily and Jj spent the day packing all the stuff they would need before they, along with everyone else travelled down to their wedding destination. With it being over an 8 hour drive they decided that it was probably best to leave today and return back home the day after the wedding before going on their honeymoon on the 8th.

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