Chapter 24

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Lily's POV

"How is she?" I asked Harry referring to Jade who was still absent from the friend group. She had barely spoken to anyone as well, I text her every day like usual but she never once got back to me although I knew she saw the texts.
"We err, we broke up" He admitted as he sat beside me on the couch. Talia and I tagged along to a sidemen shoot because we were bored.
"WHAT!" I exclaimed.
"She ended things with me, told me she couldn't even face me ever since the baby died because it was my fault" He said tearing up.
Jade knew fine well it was no one's fault so why the hell is she blaming Harry.
"You're fucking with me right?" I question him but I knew that he wasn't, I was in shock like complete and utter shock.
"I can't believe she would do that" Talia spoke up also in shock.

In the time I had known Jade, I never thought she could do something like that but it only got worse from there.
"I erm... I walked in on her with a guy a few days ago"
My eyes practically popped out of my head, as did Talia's and we both practically screamed "WHAT" which resulted in everyone in the studio turning round and staring at us.
"Jj have you heard about this?" I asked as he ran over to check if I was okay.
"Heard about what?" Talia, Harry and I went on to tell him what had happened between Harry and Jade and his reaction what practically the same as mine and T's.

Harry went on to tell us literally everything that had happened between them in the past few months which was shocking to say the least. Apparently that hadn't been the first time she had slept with another guy. She had been drinking almost every day and even started sniffing cocaine occasionally as well which was nothing like the Jade i knew.
She had new "friends" that were round most nights and if they weren't round she would be out with them. Everything slowly started fitting into place in my head, the sudden outbursts, her actions, the distancing.
"Oh my god" Talia said as she fell back onto the couch.

38 weeks Pregnant

"I honestly can't believe her, like I'm still shook to my core" I finished up the dishes and began drying them.
Jj was out with the boys filming a video so myself, Talia and Freya went out for breakfast and now were at my house just lounging around until the boys were back.

Oh and yeah I'm still pregnant with absolutely no signs of labour anytime soon.

"Do you think we should try talk to her?" Freya asked.
"Definitely not, she's unpredictable right now and honestly I can't handle anymore stress" I responded as I began cleaning the worktops.

The three of us cleaned my house top to bottom and I would be forever grateful because I couldn't do it myself anymore. The boys soon walked through the door along with a girl who i didn't recognise.
"This is Ellie, my girlfriend, Ellie that's Lily, Talia and Freya" Vik said as lead his girlfriend into the room.
"Hello, Oh my god congratulations! You're glowing!" Ellie exclaimed as she came over and hugged me.
"Aw thank you babe" I said as I hugged her back.

Ellie introduced herself to Talia and Freya before all of us went into the kitchen to get to know each other better.
"So how far along are you?" Ellie asked as I passed her a cup of coffee.
"38 weeks" I replied as I sipped on my raspberry tea which still tasted fucking horrible.
"Not long now eh?"
"Couldn't come quicker" I was interrupted by Jj peeking his head through the door. "We're going for dinner" He said before walking away and upstairs to shower I presumed.

"I've got some clothes you could borrow, they don't fit me right now" I laughed directing it to all the girls just especially Ellie who was just wearing a pair of joggers and a baggy top.
"You don't mind" Ellie said as I ushered her upstairs and pointed in the direction of my bedroom.
"Not at all go ahead pick something, god knows the next time i'll get to wear it"

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