Chapter 29

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Living with Talia and Simon in a flat was a struggle. Lily had went from having a big house with multiple bedrooms and loads of space to being cramped up in a bedroom. Now because Harry was previously living with Lily, Jj and Daisy, he had also temporarily moved into Simon and Talia's flat.
It hadn't even been a week yet and it felt as though the space was getting smaller and smaller with each passing day.

Lily had been constantly looking for houses even to rent but there was available that would fit all their needs. Jj needed a studio to film, Daisy needed her own bedroom and a playroom, Harry needed his own bedroom now that he had fully became part of the family. There had to be a spacious living room and kitchen oh and preferably a dining room and at least 2 bathrooms. Extra rooms would be desirable because Lily and Jj weren't exactly careful with their birth control so another baby could already be in the cards.

"What about this one? There's a garden as well" Jj spoke up as he turned the computer towards Lily.
"I'd prefering buying, renting is just a waste of money" She told him as she turned her head back to her own laptop.
"Well maybe we can buy it instead, I'll call and ask for a viewing?" Jj offered as he got his phone out and typed the number in.

"Where's he going?" Talia asked Lily as she walked into the living area. Daisy was peacefully sleeping in her bouncer that rocked her side to side, Lily looked at her daughter with so much love before replying to Talia. "He's gone to call someone about a house"
"Still no luck?" She asked Lily who had now given up staring at a screen and instead was in the middle of picking her daughter up.
Everything had kind of gone back to normal? But then again what was normal for them? Only a week and a half ago their daughter was kidnapped by a psychotic old "friend", their friend was almost killed and their world came crashing down and now they were all just trying to put it behind them and move on.
Lily was in an extremely depressive state, not that it seemed like it though. She had been staying up most of the night, struggling to sleep and then sleeping most of the day away, she had barely eaten and was losing quite a chunk of weight and she couldn't even remember the last time she showered. Everytime she closed her eyes she would see Jade or Lucy taking away Daisy and then Lily would jump out of bed and run over to Daisy's cot to make sure she was okay.

Daisy was fine, she was her normal and happy self. Surprisingly she had been unaffected and Lily was forever grateful for that.

"We can view at 12?" Jj annouced as he walked back into the room. Lily nodded her head before standing up and taking her and Daisy into the bedroom to get changed.
"Hello baby" She said to her daughter who opened her eyes and stretched, "oh big stretches" Lily added with a small chuckle. She lay Daisy in the middle of the bed and walked over to the wardrobe to get out some clothes for them both.
"Hey Lils, I'll do that you go for a shower" Jj told her, he walked in the room and over to his daughter and took her clothes off of Lily.
"Hey sweetheart, did you have a good nap? Are we going to get you changed so we can go in the car" He spoke softly. Jj was a great dad, he put his daughter before everything and that was of course including the Sidemen. Thankfully both them and their fans understood that Jj was now someones father and that was his main priority. He had started to really lift his music and boxing career too and that was currently skyrocketing.

"Wow look at you!" Jj said to his daughter who replied with a huge smile and a giggle.
"The real estate agent called me there, the house is officially on the market" Lily told Jj as she entered the room, walked over to the wardrobe and picked out some black leggings and a plain t-shirt.
To be honest, she was sad to sell her house. It was her first home and she hadn't even lived there for that long, almost 2 years. It was supposed to be her big adventure but now it would only be a memory that she didn't want to remember.

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