Chapter 36

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Lily's POV

October 31st

Usually people say that Christmas was their favourite time of year but for me it was Halloween. I had always loved dressing up as a kid, the ability to pretend to be someone else for a night excited me plus you got loads of sweeties. Halloween as an adult was an excuse to dress up and get drunk with your mates, which still excited me. As you already know, since having Daisy I rarely ever drank anymore and I can lie- I miss it I really do but at the end of the day, I'd rather be fresh as a daisy than a hungover mess in the mornings.

Anyway it was 5pm, Yinka and Jide had just left with Daisy as she was having another sleepover at their house and I was hopping in for a quick shower before the girls came round to get ready.
I say that I went in for a quicker shower but when I got out it was almost quarter to six which meant I was now in a rush, I quickly wrapped my hair and body in towels before jogging to my bedroom and immediately plugging in the hair dryer. I was half way through blow drying my hair when the bedroom door swung open revealing Talia, Freya, Faith and Ellie.

Mollie, my cousin was saying at a hotel near by- fuck knows why, Jj and I did offer for her to stay here but she declined and instead decided to meet us at the party. "Jesus it's like a bloody sauna in here" Ellie laughed, fanning her face with the lid of an eyeshadow palette.
"Open a window then ya mong" Talia chuckled, plugging in the curling wand and sectioning her hair.

"Ladies I bring you alcohol" Jj and Harry said as they opened the door wearing suits and passing us all glasses. You may be wondering 'Why suits?' well Jj, Harry and Simon had all decided to go as the Peaky Blinders this year oh and obviously they had the infamous Peaky Blinders caps.

"Thank you babe" I said as I took the glasses off of Jj who then poured me a vodka cranberry.

As like every other time the girls have all gotten ready together, we blasted music but seeing as Faith was new to the group we all decided to let her control the speaker this time. "Ooo I love this song!" Everytime we touch by Cascada blared through the speakers as we all jammed along to the song. I was glad that Faith had the same music taste as us, with all of us being 90s babies we practically gree up listening to Clubland- especially me. I can vividly remember my mum, dad and myself jumping around the kitchen singing our hearts out to Gypsy Woman by Crystal Waters.

I know I say this everytime but seriously getting ready to go to a party is a million times better than the party itself. There never is much to tell you about getting ready other than we alternated between doing our hair and makeup. As I blew dry my hair, Talia curled hers whilst Faith straightened hers and both Ellie and Freya did their makeup and then we all switched over.

It wasn't until 9:21pm when we left the house, locking up and getting into 2 separate taxis. The drive to Ethan's wasn't that far but by the time we had gotten there I was already tipsy, well just a smidge more than tipsy. On the other hand Ellie was wasted as usual.

Ethan and Faith had really gone all out on this party, there were skeletons, spiders and spiders webs everywhere along with tons of blood. I would fucking hate having to clean this all up. There was both real and fake pumpkins oh and also your typical Halloween games like apple bobbing set up. You would probably think this was a kids party until you saw the amount of alcohol that lay on a huge fold away table in the living room.
After taking millions of group photos or really just photos in general, we began playing drinking games.
I had already took my wig and glasses off so the only thing that gave it away that I was Velma was the orange top and the red skirt. 

Jj and I, along with a few of the boys and girls were playing a classic game of beer pong. Ellie was practically paralysed and by 11pm she was already cuddled up on the couch with Vik asleep.

"Mollie! You made it" I screamed as I saw my baby cousin walk into the flat wearing a standard last minute costume... it was a devil incase you hadn't guessed it. I keep saying that she's my baby cousin as if she's like really young but she's 22.
"Of course I made it, hey big cuz" She laughed as she pulled me in for a long hug, we hadn't seen each other in what felt like forever.
"Mols, this is Jj my fiancé. That's Talia my bestfriend and my made of honour, Freya, Faith, Ethan, Tobi, Josh, Cal and this is Boggo" I introduced everyone to Mollie who welcomed her with open arms as expected.
"Boggo?" She questioned, I then corrected myself by introducing him as Harry.

We all noticed Harry's eyes light up ever so slightly as I introduced Mollie, I literally had a massive smile plastered on my face for the rest of the night- especially when they sat together talking for hours.

"That is not fucking fair, It barely even landed" I yelled jokingly as the ping pong ball bounced out of the cup and then back into it.
"It fucking went in! Drink" Cal shouted back along with Ethan and Freya, I wish I could tell you what time I was but honestly I could barely see straight. Down went another drink... and that is all I can pretty much remember.


Waking up the next day, I was confident that this was the worse hangover I had ever had in my whole entire life. My makeup was still on, surprisingly so were my eyelashes, I stood up slowly bare in mind and looked at myself in the mirror. I was fucking mortified at the sight of myself, my hair was covered in fake blood (god knows how that happened considering the fact that I wasn't wearing any), I looked more like the fucking
exorcist than I did Velma and my clothes were ripped and covered in what smelled like tequila.

"Fucking hell" I muttered as I tried bringing the brush through my tangled hair.
"Well don't you look gorgeous this morning" Jj piped up as he stretched his arms and yawned.
"Thanks" I replied just as sarcastically as he did.
"Where did Mollie go last night? Actually scratch that what the fuck happened last night?" I grabbed a makeup wipe and attempted to scrub off last night's makeup.
"Well you ended up dancing on the table, then you jumped on it and it collapsed so you ended up banging your head. You and Talia did shots of tequila but ended up drinking the whole bottle and then you decided to play hide and seek and ended up crashing into the drinks table trying to run from me. Oh and THEN you made the miraculous decision to 'dye your hair red' but you couldn't find any die so you stole Lux's fake blood and got Faith to pour it in your hair"

"Oh and Mollie is in Harry's bed" He finished as he let out a massive breath, the look of my face was priceless.
"Noooo! Why didn't you stop me?"
"Oh believe me, I fucking tried along with Tobi and Josh but you just weren't having it" He laughed at the memory.
"I'm glad I don't remember this but anyway back up a minute, Mollie is IN HARRY'S BED!" I ignored any further information from Jj and rushed into Harry's bedroom where I found both him and Mollie cuddled up in bed together and I was right they did look fucking cute together.

I dragged myself into the shower in hopes to wash away everything I did last night from my memory but obviously it didn't work but hey! It washed away my 'dyed' hair and the smell of booze which was replaced with my peach and strawberry scented body wash.

After my "relaxing shower", I put on a pair on cosy pyjamas and hopped straight back into bed in hopes to sleep the hangover away.

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