Chapter 20

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Lily's POV

It had been just over two weeks since Jade and Harry lost baby Lily. They had a small funeral with close friends and family for her last weekend, it was absolutely heartbreaking as you can imagine. Jade still barely spoke, everyone knew she was hurting and didn't want to impose although we tried everything to get her to speak.
Eating was another task, I counted maybe 4 possibly 5 meals that I had seen her eat in the past few weeks.

Harry was visibly heartbroken too but he tried his best not to show his emotions but we could all see he was hurting just as much as Jade was.

Jj and I finally got round to baby shopping as well, I was now over half way in pregnancy but I couldn't be happy about that, I felt guilty that I still had my baby and my bestfriend didn't have hers. Jj told me that I had nothing to feel guilty about but he wouldn't understand, I wouldn't be able to talk about my baby anymore with Jade in fear that she would cry or lash out or something.

"We'd better get this done eh?" Jj suggested as we stood in what would be the baby's room. I agreed with him as he opened a can of paint and grabbed a paint brush before beginning to paint the wall.

Surprisingly it didn't take us that long to paint, well not as long as we thought it would, all 4 walls were done and drying within 2 and a half hours of course we would have to go in with a second coat later so while we waited we had a well deserved nap.

By the time we had woken up and had dinner which Jj cooked for once, we finished painting the walls in the room and started building all the furniture that would go into the room tomorrow after the carpet had been laid and fitted.
I could feel my eyes slowly closing around 10pm but knowning that Jj and I were nowhere near finished the funiture, I pushed through and tried to stay awake.
"You go on up to bed, I'll be up soon" He said as he noticed how tired I was, I didn't even try fight instead I said goodnight and walked upstairs and got changed into my pyjamas.
I think Jj came to bed around 2am although I wasn't certain.



Jj and Lily woke up to the door bell ringing and someome frantically knocking. "I'm coming" She yelled as she walked down the stairs yawning.
"We've come to install the carpet" The man said bluntly, Lily could tell that the man hated his job just by the tone of his voice either that or he was just an arsehole. She let them in and directed the men to which room they would be working in before getting out their way and leaving them alone to their job.

She sat in the kitchen eating cereal and drinking a glass of orange juice. "Morning" Jj said as he walked through the doors and over to Lily placing a kiss on her cheek. This was a daily occurrence now and no they were still not back together even though he had practically moved into her house, they shared a bed and we're expecting a baby.
"Morning" She replied as she watched Jj make his own breakfast.
"Suppose to come between ten and two my arse, It's five to eight in the morning" He pointed out as he checked his phone and realised the time.
"Oh I've got a sidemen shoot later, Will you be okay on your own?" Jj added as the notification from Josh reminding the sidemen about it came through on his phone.

"I might jump round and see how Jade is, with Harry being out filming she'll need the company" Lily responded as she washed her dishes, dried them and put them away before beginning to clean the kitchen.

Jj and Lily's morning was spent like any other except the noise of the men upstairs. Jj left the house at 11:30 and Lily spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon cleaning after the carpet guys had left.
She didn't expect Jj to be home until at least dinner time so she made lunch, packed it up and walked over to Jade's house hoping she would be able to get through to her.
Lily knocked on the door but there was no answer so instead she just walked in.
"You here?" She added as she walked through the house looking for her bestfriend, there was again no answer.

As she walked in Jade and Harry's bedroom, she saw her sitting at the window with a baby onesie in her hand.
"Hey how you holding up?" She asked as she walked over to her friend and hugged her from behind gently.
"I brung some food" Lily spoke again this time handing Jade a plate and a fork.

"Thank you" Jade mumbled as she took the plate off Lily and began eating slowly. Progress! Lily thought as she smiled to herself and ate along side of Jade.

No conversation was made between the two as they ate in complete silence, the only noise that filled the room was the tv playing low in the background and the heavy rain from outside.

"I'm sorry" Jade spoke up as she glanced over at Lily.
"I'm so fucking sorry" She added as she began tearing up.
"Why... Why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for Jade"
"I'm sorry for the way I am and the way I've been acting"
"Jade listen babe, you have every right to feel and be like this. You lost something that no one could ever replace, you don't have to apologise for that" Lily tried my best to reassure her friend and she was about 65% sure it worked because for the first time in weeks, Jade smiled. Now it wasn't a big smile but it definitely was one.
"I'll try more now, I've been pushing everyone away and I feel terrible for it" With tears falling down her face, Jade stood up and walked over to Lily and hugged her.
"Take as much time as you need babes, I'm not going anywhere"

Lily's POV

"She ate, spoke and SMILED today!" I exclaimed as I entered the living room, I wasn't quite running but I wasn't jogging either. Jj's head snapped around clearly in shock because for the past 2 weeks Jade had been like a zombie.
"Thank god" He signed as he patted the seat beside him indicating for me to sit down.

"Ahh I'm knackered, Can we finish the room and stuff tomorrow?" I asked him as I yawned and looked at all the baby furniture that surrounded us as we had yet to finish building it all and move it into baby boy's room.

Jj and I spoke about a few things and even started discussing baby names before I went for a relaxing bath, I literally spent 2 hours lying in this bath watching a few true crime videos on youtube.
I was that tired that I literally couldn't even be bother drying my hair so I just went straight into bed, stuck on netflix and went to sleep.

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