Chapter 12

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Lily's POV

•4 months and 2 weeks later•

I guess I should update you on everythings that's happened in the past few months. Well Jj and Logan had their first fight, which ended in a draw and there's talks of a rematch which I am dreading. I was a bloody nervous wreck the first time what the hell am I going to be like next time, I couldn't watch the fight at all because if I saw him get hurt I would have probably broke down into tears.
We also celebrated my 23rd birthday which was a night to remember, that was a whole different level of Lily drunk. Thank god I couldn't remember it.
The boys booked a spontaneous trip to Ibiza for 2 weeks and that's where we are now, sitting on the beach with cocktails in our hands living the dream.
Oh and the boys finally moved out, they all have their own houses now except Jj and Simon who live together in a flat along with me and Talia most days. I say most days but it's basically all the time, the majority of my stuff is at their house and I honestly can't remember the last time I went home.

"Lils? You okay, you're just staring into nothing?" Jj asked as he sat on the chair beside me.
"Huh? Oh yeah i'm fine. I was just thinking" I answered as I took a sip from my drink.

"We're thinking of going out tonight, last night and all"
"Not for me, I think I might sit out of this one"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure, I don't really want to fly with a hangover"
"You coming Jide?" Harry asked as he ran up and interrupted our little conversation.
"I'll be over in a minute" He replied as he turned to face me.
"The boys wanna head out, Is that okay?" He asked.
"Babe, you don't need to ask my permission. Go, I think I'm gonna stay here for a bit" I responded as I took another sip of my cocktail.
"Right, I'll see you later" He kissed me before running of in the direction the boys walked. I watched him and he ran away and then turned my body round to face Jade.

"Just me or was that weird?" She questioned as she took her sunglasses off and looked at me.
"Yeah, that was really werid" Talia agreed as she looked over at me all with Freya.
"Anyway, I seen this thing online the other day. Pregnancy test roulette, we should do it."
"Hell the fuck no Jade, imagine if one of them came up positive and we didn't know who's it was"
"That's jokes, let's do it!" Freya spoke up agreeing with Jade.
"Yeah let's go to the chemist now, there's one near the hotel."


"Nah, I'm so scared" Lily stared as she dropped the pregnancy test in the box along with three others.
"Yeah me too" Jade confessed as she began pulling out a test.
"It's negative, okay Lily you pick one"
Lily grabbed a test at random and pulled it out looking at it "Negative" She said as she sat the test on the side.
Jade pointed the box towards Talia, as she stared at the test she eyes grew huge as she muttered "positive".

"Oh shit, I'm gonna have a heart attack" Lily said as she held her chest.
"Oh my god" Freya said as she looked at the forth and final test.
"This one's positive too... I think? Is that two lines or one? She laughed as she squinted her eyes and stared at the test in her hands moving it around to catch the lighting.

All four girls started to freak out and look at the test Talia was holding before establishing that the test was also in fact positive.

"Well, erm congratulations!" Lily laughed nervously as she stared at the two positive tests.
"Yeah, whoever it is" Jade joined.
"I think we should go and get some more tests" Freya suggested as she grabbed the room key and her purse.
The girls followed her out the room and downstairs, time to find out who really is pregnant then.


The flight home was boring, all the boys were extremely hungover and most of them slept, the girls sat together discussing last night's situation.

"Babe? C'mon wake up we're home" Lily whispered as she shook Jj lightly. He groaned as he look his seatbelt off and stood up, walking out of the plane.
Lily had almost forgot how amazing the UK air was, for the past two weeks she had missed the rain and the miserable weather which seemed crazy I know.


"Home sweet home" Lily said as she dragged her suitcase into Jj and Simon's flat.
"Speaking of home, I should probably head back to mine soon" She told Jj as she sat on the couch.
"Really why? I mean you've basically already moved in here, why don't we make it official?"
"Huh? Are you sure. I mean would Simon be okay with that?"
"We spoke about it in Ibiza, we'd love to have you living here... so what do you say?"
I froze for a moment, I honestly didn't know what to say.
"I love you" I breathed, the first time I'd ever say those words to him.
He smiled. "I love you too Lils".

Lily's POV

"It's been 3 minutes" Jade said as she stared at the timer on her phone.
"Freya can you look?" I asked her passing the test.
"Positive", Jade?"
"Positive" She replied as she held her own test.

"Oh fuck... this cannot be happening. I'm not ready to be a mum, oh shit" I spoke as I slid down the bathroom door panicking.
"Hey, we're in this together okay!" Jade said comforting me as she held her own positive test in her hands.
"What are the odds of you two getting pregnant at the same time eh?" Talia laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Ugh why me, why now!"
"How the fuck am I going to tell Jj" I added as I wiped the tears on my face.
This was only going to end badly, I could see it happening already.

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