Chapter 33

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Remember how I posted saying that there's probably only about 10 chapters left of this book... well I lied. There's so much left to unpack so buckle in😀


"Mum?" She whispered as she saw the supposed to be dead woman walking towards her. Lily's dad stood up in shock as he saw his late wife standing a only a few feet away from him, Shauna sat in shock along with pretty much everyone else in the garden.

"I... I, you're dead. Ho-how, what is going on?" Lily questions as she began immediately sobering up. Jj walked over to her and passed her a drink knowning she would need it, he wrapped his arm around her waist as he watched her swallow the drink whole.
Talia followed Jj steps and passed her another drink before standing behind her.

"Daisy! I thought you died" Alan said as he walked over to his ex wife. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say" Her reply was, she looked over to her daughter who was still stood in shock.
"You could start by telling us what the fuck happened and where you have been all these years".

It had been 18 years since Daisy had "died" in a car accident, 18 fucking years. Lily didn't know what to make of the situation or why after all this time had she turned up now?
"Why now? Why does it have to be now mum? Why couldn't it have been when I started high school or my prom or my fucking graduation! Why the fuck are you here?" She burst out in anger, hurt and betrayal.
All this time she had thought that her mum had died, she had to obtain years of abuse for having "no mummy" by typical bullies in her school, she cried herself to sleep for months after the funeral and she had to grow up without having a mother. Looking back on it now, Lily was so grateful for Shauna because in her eyes... she was her mother not this imposter who stood before her.

"I heard the news you were getting married and I just had to see you again. Baby girl I'm so sorry for what I have done and I know that I can never make it up to you but I'm here now" Daisy spoke softly to her daughter who was stood with a blank expression on her face.

I think it was the tequila that made Lily so angry, honestly it could've been any of the booze she had drunken that evening but for now we'll blame the tequila.

"I don't know who you are. You are a stranger to me, I haven't seen you since I was 6 years old, 6 fucking years old Daisy! I had to grow up without a mother and no matter the fucking situation I would never, NEVER leave my daughter so please save your fucking excuses because quite frankly I, along with everyone else don't want to hear them!" She snapped, Alan walked over to his daughter as Jj let go of her and stood beside the boys who were all very confused at the situation that was unfolding in front of them.
"I have a granddaughter? Oh sweetie, congratulations!" Daisy began to change the subject but before she could say anything else, Alan butted in.
"I don't think she was clear enough, Fuck.Off." He said as he pulled Lily into a hug as she began sobbing.

Daisy left a giftbag on the floor and backed away from everyone who stood around Lily, she eventually turned around and walked away.


Lily's POV

After the incident with my mother no one was really in the mood to party anymore, especially me. I ended up taking myself upstairs and lay in bed as Jj said goodbye to everyone for me.

I had barely gotten any sleep, my mind was filled with a million different thoughts and feelings I couldn't even describe. How is she alive? Where has she been all these years? Why is she back now?

I took myself downstairs just after 7am, the hangover definitely wasn't helping the whole position I was currently in.
I looked over at all the giftbags but one stuck out to me in particular so with so many questions running through my mind I knew that I had to open it in hopes there would be some sort of an explanation as to why she had suddenly come back to life.

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