Chapter 38

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Lily's POV
The morning of the wedding...

I was awoken by Talia approximately 4 minutes before my alarm went off.
"Wake up you lazy bitch it's your WEDDING DAYYY!" She screamed, I opened my eyes to find her holding  Daisy and jumping on the bed. I smiled as I yawned and stretched, holding my hands out Talia passed me Daisy.
"She's already had her bottle and her nappy changed, now hurry up the girls are on their way and the hair and makeup stylists are almost here" I leaned over to the bedside table to grabbed my phone, upon unlocking it I saw a message from Jj.

'Morning beautiful, did you sleep well? I can't wait to finally see you again and officially call you my wife, only 6 more hours to go, I love you❤️'

With a huge smile plastered on my face, I sent him a quick text back before getting out of bed.
"HAPPY WEDDING DAY!" Faith, Ellie and Freya shouted simultaneously entering the room. Faith popped open a bottle of champagne as we all cheered.

"How are you feeling?" Ellie asked as she played with Daisy on the floor. "I can't wait, oh shit! I better go for a shower" Realising at it was now almost 7am, I stood up, took a towel out of one of the suitcases and walked into the bathroom. By the time I had gotten washed and dried, both the makeup and hair stylists were here.

Ellie and Freya were already getting dressed which would then be followed my myself and then Faith and Talia.

"Freya you look so good, Liana you've done a great job" I praised the makeup artist as I took a quick looked at Freya's makeup. My dad interrupted as by knocking on the door which Talia got.
"Hey dad" I greeted as I pulled him in for a hug after he sat the flowers on the table.
"They've been cared for and they've been took out of water so they won't be wet" He told me pulling away from the hug.
"I can't believe my baby is getting married, Shauna's been crying all morning"
"I'm surprised you haven't started crying yet"
"Just wait until I see the rest, I'll be a blubbering mess Lils" He laughed out.

"Lily, I'll be ready for you in a minute" Liana interrupted as she began setting up the makeup station again.
"Right that's my cue, I'll see you in a few hours then" My dad spoke as he saluted us and made his way back to his room I guessed.


The minute Alan Robertson left the room he broke down into tears. He couldn't believe that his little girl was getting married, not only 2 years ago she left home and now she had grown up, blessed him with his granddaughter and it was her wedding day.
Alan walked back to his own room that he shared with Shauna and their youngest children Poppy and Freddie and began getting himself ready to give his daughter away.

In the meantime, Jj was going over his speech.
"I'll love you until my very last breath"  He finished reading aloud to his friends, majority of them with a tear in their eyes or a few running down their cheeks.
He had woken up at 6am that morning, probably the earliest he had in a while and immediately started to get dressed. Although the wedding didn't begin until 12 o'clock, he was fully dressed and downstairs at 8:30 adding last minute touches to the garden and the reception hall.

"Fuck Jj, you've got me going I wonder what Lily's going to be like"
"Wait until you hear the song she's picked for the dance with her dad. I was crying when I heard it" He wiped his eyes as he remembered hearing the song for the first time.

Lily was almost finished her hair around 10:30, meaning that as soon as she was finished she would have to get into her dress. She looked beautiful as always. Shauna had come into the room with Rosie and Poppy who were all dressed and looked like little princesses which of course almost made Lily cry.

"Dress time!" Talia clapped as Lily got out of the chair. The stylists immediately began doing Faith's makeup and Talia's hair, she had decided that to save time she would just do her own makeup.

Ellie and Freya helped Lily into her dress, "Oh my god" 
As Lily finished getting dressed, Faith and Talia were also finally finishing up and soon enough it was 11:15 and they were all ready.

"You look amazing Lily, oh I can't believe you're getting married" Shauna gushed at the sight of her step-daughter.
"Shauna, thank you..."
"You're welc...."
"No, thank you for everything. You were there for us when we needed you the most and I'll forever be grateful for everything you've done for us... Mum".
"Mum?" Shauna cried, "Yes mum because in my eyes that's what you are, you always have been"

Lily never thought she would admit it but what better time to do so that now. Lily always thought that Shauna was a better mum to get than her real mum was and it took Daisy coming back to realise that. Lily pushed back the tears as she held her stepmum close.
"Sorry to interrupt, oh Lily you look wonderful" Yinka opened the room door with Daisy in her arms who was wearing a gorgeous little pink dress and holding a flower.

"Hello baby girl!" Lily said as she picked up her daughter from her mother in laws arms, "Olajide is  waiting downstairs, we're ready whenever you are" She told the girls and just in time, Lily's father entered the room.
"I know, I look good" Lily chuckled, the photographer had stood taking loads of photos literally every second that passed a photo was taken.


Jj stood at the entrance to the garden, greeting all the guests that had been arriving.
"Congratulations bro" Lux said as him and Freezy walked up the steps, shaking Jj and Simon's hands.
"Thanks guys, just head in and find a seat anywhere"

"We'd better head in bro, Talia said they're on their way down" Simon stuck in phone back into his pocket after putting it on silent and tapped Jj's shoulder. They walked in side by side and joined Harry, Josh, Vik,  Tobi and Ethan who were standing at the alter.

At the time, Lily and her bridemaids made there way down the large set of stairs along with Lily's father who was giving her away. The photographer continued taking photos the whole way down and as they reached the set of double doors which let out into the garden Lily and her father stopped.

She watched as her daughter and her little sisters walked down the aisle and she watched as her bridesmaids did as well.
"Are you ready?" Alan asked his daughter linking his arm with hers, "I'm ready" She breathed out.

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