Chapter 18

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Lily's POV

I looked around the garden at all of our friends who were now stood up, recording us and waiting for Jj and I to press the button. Behind us where huge letters that spelt the words HE OR SHE?. There was button between us and we stood at either side of it, a sudden rush of nervousness overfilled my body but was soon replaced by excitement as we interlocked our hands and lowered them down to the large gold button.











I cried as we pressed the button and I cried as I watched the colours of confetti, streamers and smoke surrounded us. I watched our friends and family who were screaming of pure happiness, I watched Jj who ran over, picked me up and spun me around.
I heard fireworks and cannons as Jj let me down and hugged me. We looked deep into each others eyes and before you know it we were kissing infront of everyone, it wasn't awkward... I mean we weren't together but in that moment it felt so right.

"A little baby boy" I squealed as I pulled away from the kiss and wrapped my arms around Jj's neck.
"IT'S A BOY!" He screamed as our friends ran over to the stage, congratulating, screaming of joy and hugging us.
Jade rushed over to me screaming as she usually did, that girl never stopped screaming. "I'm so happy for you!" She shouted as we all stood hugging each other and watching the fireworks that lit up the sky.

"A grandson! Congratulations darling!" My dad cried as the words left his mouth, I knew that me telling him I was having a baby less than a year after I left home shocked him. When I told my dad we didn't speak for a few days, it took him a while to wrap his head around the fact that I was no longer his baby girl, I was now a fully grown adult who was starting her own life, her own family but he accepted it and promised to support me no matter what.
"You're mother would be so proud of you and how far you've come Lils" He said as he embraced me.
"I just wish she was here dad" I replied as I cried in his arms. Part of me hoped she was here, looking down at all of my friends and family supporting me, I knew that she would probably be crying along with me aswell. It pained me that any future children I had would never know the amazing woman she was or that Jj would never be able to meet her.
"I know you do sweetheart" My dad said as he also shed a few tears at the memory of my mum. Shauna was fully supportive of my dad's past, she knew how much love my dad had for mum and how much love he still had and thankfully she excepted that.
"I miss her so much dad"
"I miss her too Lily" He sighed knowing that he would never fully be able to get over his late wife sure he was thankful for Shauna and the beautiful children she had brung into this world but a small part of him would always love his highschool sweetheart, the mother of his beautiful daughter.


The rest of the day was spent celebrating with everyone and around 7pm everyone was making their way home, Jj and I were sat in his car listening to his playlist on shuffle and screaming the songs.

When we arrived home we ordered some food and sat watching some program that was on the tv.
"Lils?" He asked.
"What's up?" I replied as I turned to face him.
"I guess we should probably talk about the... the kiss" He said as he locked his phone and placed it on the coffee table.
"Yeah, It was a bit random"
"But it wasn't weird right?" He questioned. I contemplated for a moment, was it weird? Okay yeah we aren't together anymore but we're having a baby, we're with each other every single day and we sleep in the same bed. I knew I still had feelings for him and at this point I was 99% sure he still had feelings for me.
"I don't think it was weird, do you?"
"No...No" Jj spoke as a smile creeped up on his face.

"I mean it's not like we're gonna get back together or anything" Shit why did I say that, at this point I wanted nothing more than to call him mine again. In my head it literally made perfect sense, it was all that made fucking sense. He was like home to me, he made me feel safe, warm and loved. He cared for me like no one else did and he blessed me with a child.
"'re right" He replied with a smile on his face but I wasn't blind, I knew that behind that smile there was a sadness or a disappointment or maybe anger? To be honest I wasn't actually too sure about what ever went on in his head, It was extremely hard to read Jj's emotions unlike mine. I was practically an open book.

We sat in silence until the food arrived, I guess you could say it was somewhat awkward considering the conversation we just had but after Jj came back into the living room we were fine, literally it was as if nothing had happened we had just gone back to our usual selves.

"So shopping tomorrow?" Jj asked striking up conversation.
"If you aren't busy yeah, the baby's room not being finished is driving me mad"
"Speaking of the baby, When do you wanna start talking names?" He mumbled as his mouth was full of chicken... disgusting I know but hey we were that comfortable with each other.
"I literally have no idea where to start honestly, there's too many names out there to just pick one"
"Plus we still have another few months to decide" I added as I grabbed my phone of the table and opened up instagram.



Jj stayed over at Lily's again that night, he never really seemed to leave and she was glad because she never liked him leaving. Lily had grown to hate being alone but of course she never was, she had the baby so she would never be alone again.

"Night Jj" Lily said as she turned over and tried her best to get comfortable but with a bump in the way comfortable wasn't really an option anymore instead she had to deal with 'okay'.
"Goodnight Lils" He replied as he turned his body around and rest his arm over her placing his hand on her stomach.
"Night baby boy" He spoke quietly knowing Lily was probably half asleep by now. He heard a quiet laughter coming from the girl beside him and smiled to himself before falling asleep.

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