Chapter 4

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As the taxis pulled up outside the nightclub, everyone pilled out of the cars and headed inside. Thankfully Jj had already booked a booth for everybody.
"You must be Lily" Jj said as he walked the unknown woman walking over towards him.
"And you must be Jj, I've heard good things about you" Lily said as Jj pulled her in for a hug.

Lily's POV

I was shocked when I was told that Jj thought I was gorgeous but the moment I saw him, I instantly thought the same thing. Okay he wasn't gorgeous, that wasn't the right word to use for a man, hot? Fit? no handsome? Yeah sure we'll go with handsome. He was handsome.

I sat in the booth with Jj at one side and Talia at the other.
"So I hear you're a boxer, are you any good?" I asked as I looked over to the man who surprisingly was already looking at me.
"I like to think so, never lost put it that way" He smiled as he took as drink of whatever it was he ordered.
"Yeah but he's only had one fight" Ethan shouted over the music laughing.
"One more than what you've had Ethan" I shouted back somewhat defending Jj.
Everyone who heard my comment just laughed, including myself.

The whole time at the club me and Jj spoke and by the end of the night we had become the best of friends.
"You should come see me fight, I've got a match in a few months" He said as we made our way out the club.
"I'll definitely be there, just let me know a date and time" I replied as I handed him my phone indicating for him to put his number in it.

I said my goodbyes to everyone except Jade and Harry as we were sharing a taxi home.


Jade and Harry stayed over at Lily's that night, they didn't go to bed until 5/6 in the morning and instead stayed up drinking and laughing all night.

When the girls woke up in the afternoon, Harry was gone but they expected that as the boys were filming early that day. God knows how Harry or the rest of the boys managed to get up that early, especially Harry considering he had only gone to sleep about 2 hours before he left.
"So what did you think of everybody" Jade asked as she rubbed her eyes.
"Ahh they're all so great, such a laugh" Lily replied as she sat up yawning.
"What about Jj?" Jade asked as she joined Lily in sitting up, yawning and stretching.
"Yeah, He's nice" Lily replied with a small smile on her face.
"Nice? Is that it?"

"Okay, He's... different, nothing like any of the other guys that's for sure"

"Yeah that's Jj alright, he's a right laugh"

Truthfully Lily felt the closest to Jj out of all the sidemen, they just connected in a way. She was basically a female verison of him minus the boxing, youtube and music career.

As Lily and Jade got out of bed and walked downstairs they continued their little conversation.
"He invited me to his next boxing match, I told him to text me the date" Lily said as he stared at the toaster waiting for it to pop.

"Ooo, already asking you on a date"
"It's not a fucking date, we barely know each other Jade plus you'll all be there" She said as she grabbed her toast and began buttering it.

Before Jade could answer Lily, she heard a phone buzz.

*Lily was added to the group chat*

+44*******7893- Heyyy Lily's here

+44*******6143- Hey Lily

Jj x- Hey Lils

+44*******3905- Welcome

Harry x- Just thought we should add u to the chat

Lily- Well Hello, Happy to be here. Thanks for such a good night guys!🙂

Jj x- Your one of us now Lils, you're welcome anytime x

Lily's POV

"Looks like I'm one of the group now eh" I quoted as I sat at the table along with Jade.
"Of course you are and once you're in, you can't leave" Jade replied with a smile on her face.
"I don't plan to" I laughed in reply to Jade's statement.

Jade left an hour or so later and for the rest of the night I sat around the house doing nothing, well not nothing I watched the twilight saga for the millionth time.... that year.

*Incoming Call*
Jj x

"Hey Lils"

"Oh Hiya Jj, You alright?"

"Hungover but yeah I'm good, just wanted to check in"

"Ugh I've got a hangover from hell, guess it's my own fault though" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I wouldn't say it was entirely you're fault, Ethan and Simon where giving you shot after shot"

"Well it's their fault then" I laughed.

"If you're up for it, We're having a quite night in tonight. Wanna come round?"

"Yeah sure, I'm not doing anything else. Text me the address and I'll head over soon"

"Okay, In a bit Lils"

"Yeah, Bye Jj"

I hung up the call and walked upstairs to gather a few things and change out of my pj's as I waited for Jj's text. Literally seconds later he texted me his address and within a few minutes, I was in the car and on the way over to his house.

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