Chapter 22

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Lily's POV
36 weeks, 6 days pregnant

"Give me a minute" I snapped, I didn't mean to but I was about 5 meters behind everyone else and they were all rushing me. Thankfully they stopped and let me catch up, I waddled over to them and apologised for snapping. The more the weeks dragged on, the more agitated I got but they all understood.

We were at Alton Towers which was just over a 3 hour drive from London. I had lost count of how many stops we had to take because I needed to pee or I was hungry. I was given the task of protecting the bags while everyone went on the rides, luckily I hated rides and thank god I was pregnant or else Jj and Talia would've forced me to go on them.
It had been years since I had been at Alton Towers and honestly I had forgotten how big the place was, my feet were killing me and it didn't help that they were swollen. For most of the day I had walked in trainers but given up at around 2pm and instead went and bought a pair of sandals which were horrible.
They were bright yellow and had springs on them with the smiler eyes so they wiggled about every time I took a step , they were probably the most hideous things I had ever seen and the whole day everyone was ripping the piss out of me for wearing them but I mean they were kinda comfortable so I wasn't that bothered and It was better than wearing trainers.

"Wanna go grab some food?" Freya asked, she wasn't that bothered on riding the rollercoasters so we had practically been plastered to each others side all day.
Jade was still missing from the group, she had phoned me last week apologising for what had happened but she claimed she wasn't ready to face everyone just yet. She was still healing from losing baby Lily and I, along with everyome else decided to give her time even though we all missed hanging out with her.

Freya and I walked to the nearest food place which was a KFC and ordered ourselves a bucket of chicken. I had texted Jj letting him know where we were so they could meet us here, I honestly couldn't be arsed walking anymore unless it was to the car to go home.

'Gonna go on a few more rides and we'll meet you xx'

I read his reply out to Freya so she knew that we were probably going to be here for a while but she didn't mind, It gave us time to have a proper catch up.
"So what's going on with you and Jj?" She asked but honestly I didn't know the answer to her question.
"To be honest Frey, I haven't got a fucking clue. We kissed a few days ago but It's not been awkward, in fact it kinda felt normal?".

*We were in the baby's room folding and hanging up clothes that I had just washed, everything was exactly like it usually was. There was music playing in the background and we were kinda dancing around laughing and It just happened. It wasn't just one kiss either, maybe 3 or 4 but it just felt so normal and like it was meant to happen.*

"Do you think it means anything?" Yes, I thought to myself.
"I don't know" I replied.
"Well do you want to get back together with him?" Yes, I thought.
"No... no, well I don't know" I said as I opened my phone and replied to Jj's text because I had forgotten to respond.
"I think you do" Freya spoke clearly noticing my expression. She had always been good at that.
"Okay maybe I do but I guess I'm just..."
"Scared?" She finished my sentence.
"Well yeah, what if he cheats again?"
"Can I be honest with you?" Freya asked, I nodded my head.
"He loves you Lily, like he really fucking loves you and I know... we all know how sorry he is for what happened. He's spent the last what 6/7 months proving that to you. I think you should give it another go" She continued. I didn't reply for a few minutes, I was in my head thinking about it, about the whole situation.
"I love him too" I smiled finally saying those words, I had never said them aloud to anyone but here I was professing my love for someone and he wasn't even here, he was on a bloody rollercoaster.



"Home sweet home" Lily said as she walked through the doors and into the hallway kicking her horrible sandals off.
"Freya told me" Jj said as he hung his coat up on the hook. Lily froze up.

"About the amount of money you spent on chicken and ice cream today and also you dipped the chicken into the ice cream?" He continued as he proceeded to walk into the living room, sticking the tv on and kicking his feet up onto the coffee table.
"Hey! Don't knock it until you try it and get your feet off the table" She replied as she swotted his feet with a cushion.
"Yeah I'm not trying that" He laughed as he started flicking through the channels.

Lily announced she was going for a bath to relax for a while and that she wouldn't be long before Jj was left with his thoughts. Freya had also notified him of her and Lily's conversation earlier that day. She hadn't missed one detail out and told Jj to get his act together and ask Lily to be his girlfriend which he was already planning to do but he wanted to pick the right moment.
He was broken from his thoughts at the noise of pinging from his phone and Lily shouting on him.
"JIDE LOOK AT YOUR PHONE" She yelled from upstairs in a panic.

He clicked on the first notification that popped up and it took him to twitter.
A picture of the sidemen at Alton Towers today with Lily beside Jj holding his arm with one hand and the other hand lay on her stomach which was visibly noticeable was shown. Jj hadn't told the media he was going to be a father yet, they hadn't even know about Lily but now well the whole world knew.

Surprisingly Lily wasn't actually that bothered, she wasn't freaking out like Jj had expected and that was the reason he hadn't introduced her to his fans before well that and the amount of hate she would probably get.
Jj answered the call as he realised Simon was ringing him.
"Have you seen twitter?" Simon said in a panic. Jj was calm about it, he would be more than happy to announce the news to his fans but he'd have one heck of an apology to give them.
He spoke on the phone with Simon and a few of the other sidemen who was added to the call for a while, until Lily came out of the bath and came back downstairs.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as she sat beside him. She finished pulling on her fluffy socks and wrapped a blanket around her before replying "I'm fine, to be honest I'm not bothered they were gonna find out one day"
"Well how would you feel about making a video with me?" He asked in hopes that he wouldn't have to do this alone. Thankfully Lily agreed and even though she was in her pyjamas and her hair was wet, she didn't care so they both went upstairs and began filming a short video clearing everything up.

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