Chapter 32

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Lily's POV

It wasn't until recently I had noticed how amazing Jj actually was with his words. Recently he had made me cry more than he ever had before, not in a bad way of course. 
"I like to start by thanking everyone for coming tonight and celebrating this occasion with Lily and I, we are both so grateful to have such great friends as you all.
I don't think I had truely known what love was until I met you and even then I wasn't sure that's what I wanted but Lily... you changed that and you changed me. I could never imagine myself with someone else but for me... you're all i'll ever need Lils and I cannot wait to call you my wife, I'm counting down the hours baby". He never did have to say much to bring a tear to my eye, what we had was unconditional love for each other and no one would ever be able to change that.

We all raised our glasses for the second time that night and then partied the night away.
After taking a million and one photos, I got into my bikini and got into the hot tub along with Ellie.

"I see what you mean by the whole wine drunk thing now" She joked as she raised her glass slightly before finishing it in one bit gulp.
Poor Vik was passed out on a deck chair with Harry and Jj drawing stuff all over his face.
"Should we shave his eyebrow?" Harry asked laughing as he pulled out a razor from his back pocket. All the boys where giggling away as Harry itched closer to Vik's eyebrow.
"Do we stop them?" Freya asked, I looked over at Ellie who shook her head no which indicated that she was giving the green light for the boys to continue.

I closed one of my eyes in hopes to see my phone better as I typed out a message to Yinka asking if everything was okay with Daisy and she replied instantly saying 'Yes, she's asleep xx" I locked my phone and sat it on the table next to the hot tub.

I failed trying to stand up and splashed straight back down into the hot tub which would no doubt leave a nasty bruise in the morning but honestly I was too drunk to care. Oh and topping it off, I managed to get out of the hot tub but then face planted the floor as I tried walking down the steps, everyone had erupted in laughter including myself.

"He's going to kill you, you do realise that" I said as I stumbled over to the boys.
"Who Vik? Please" Harry laughed as he took the razor along one of poor Vik's eyebrows. My eyes along with im sure everyone elses bulged out of our eye sockets and our jaws almost hit the floor, we burst out into laugher- including Ellie who was literally rolling on the floor clutching her stomach, tears running down her face.
"Oh shit, I didn't think it would look that bad" Simon said in between his laughter.
"What else can we do?" Ethan added as he looked around at the group.
"Wait here" I said as I ran into the house and up the stairs, I walked into my wardrobe and over to the skirts and picked out a pink miniskirt that I hadn't worn since I was 19. "Yeah that'll do" I said to myself as I grabbed a bikini top that matched the skirt.

"Here, put this on him" I threw the clothes over to Ethan who caught them and began putting them onto Vik, thankfully he was already wearing a pair of swim shorts and no t-shirt considering he was in the hot tub at one point.

He didn't wake up once when Ethan was dressing him, which was a massive surprise considering Ethan was practically throwing him about the place. Ellie videoed the whole situation as Josh and Tobi took about 45,000 different photos.

"Lily! Could you come over here for a minute please" I heard my Dad shouting from underneath the tent. A few of my family members had been invited or had just came along with my dad and Shauna.
"What's up?" I asked stumbling over to him, I genuinely don't think my dad has ever seen me in this condition, even when I went through my clubbing phase after I had turned 18 I had never been THIS drunk.
"I've just gotten off the phone to your Auntie Trina and she was wondering why she didn't get an invitation to the wedding?" He told me, now the whole reason I didn't send out any invitations was because everything is online now a days so I sent out a personalised email to everyone on the guest list... including Trina and all my cousins but clearly the stupid old bitch doesn't check her emails. Oh and the only reason I had invited her in the first place was because If I didn't it would probably cause World War 3 in our family and no one wanted to deal with that shit.
"I sent her the email" I replied to my dad as I got out my phone and clicked on Trina's contact.

'Hi Auntie Trina, have you managed to check your emails in the past few days? I sent over the invitation to the wedding through that, it's a whole lot easier than having to asked everyone for their addresses etc.
Give me a text back if you're able to come x'

She never was the best at technology to it was highly unlikely I'd ever get a reply from her not that I cared though.

I spoke to my dad and Shauna for a few more minutes about the wedding before I turned back around on my heel and started walking over to the deck chairs were everyone was still sat laughing at Vik. I heared the side gate opening and thought It was just one of the girls or boys but I never once suspected it would be her.
I stood still, tears in my eyes and stared as she walked over towards me.

"Mum?" I whispered.

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