Chapter Twenty One ♡

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Kyah Richardson
It's been a week since I've last seen Dru and I haven't been talking to Kolby or Jaliyah either. I needed space. I understand that everyone was concerned about what I was about to do but no one understands why I wanted to do it. Dru was my first boyfriend ever. I was new to this relationship stuff. And to make matters worse I got pregnant fresh into our relationship and for my first time. Dru lied to me and cheated on me while I'm carrying his child. There was no way, I could come back from that. Im only 17. I still have a whole life to live, a baby is not something I honestly needed right now, but I am grateful. And the fact that he would do that to me knowing how I feel about my goals and accomplishments, let's me know he doesn't care like he says. I was pulling into school to see Dru parked beside my parking spot. What does this boy not understand? I parked my car and he politely came over and opened the driver door.

" Thank You" I dryly said as I grabbed my booksack out of the back seat.

" Ky can we talk?" he said as we walked towards the school entrance way.

" Dru if it's not about our son then there's nothing to talk about."

" Kyah I'm sorry okay? Can you please forgive me? I miss you and I miss being with you daily. I want to come home bae." he said holding my hands

I looked deeply into his eyes to see that he was sincere. I wanted to believe him but it just wasn't in me. I let my hands go and gave him a slight smile. I walked towards my Biology class leaving Dru confused.

Dru Brown
I walked into class confused about whether or not Kyah would get back together with me. She didn't say she wouldn't but she also didn't say that she would. I shrugged and sat into my seat and played music through my airpods. This was the same class I took with Jaliyah and Kolby so I know this about to be awkward. They both came in and sat in their assigned seats next to me. I didn't budge, I just sat there and waited on the teacher to hand out our exams. We were in math class about to take an exam before Christmas break. After our hour was up, it was time to pass the papers to the teacher. I handed my sheet to Kolby and he snatched the exam out of my hand. The fuck wrong with this nigga?

" Say son what's your problem? Snatching papers out a nigga hand. The fuck wrong with you?"

" YOU! You the problem Dru. You cheated on my sister while she pregnant with your son. You know I don't play about my blood." he said standing up

" Okay fellas settle down" the teacher said

Everyone was now focusing on our argument. Kolby and I continued to go back and forth until Kolby jabbed me in my jaw. It caught me off guard at first but then next thing I know I was on top of Kolby beating the fuck out of him. Two football players from the team pulled us off each other until the unbelievable happened. Kolby reached into his pocket and pointed a gun to my forehead.

" Kolby put the gun down." Jaliyah said

Kolby tightened his grip on the pistol and cletched his jaws. I simply closed my eyes and prayed to God that today wasn't my last day on this earth. I wanted to graduate high school, I want to see my son be born and grow up, to teach him how to be better than I am. The teacher asked everyone to calm down and tried talking Kolby into putting the gun down from my head. As my eyes were closed , I could hear Jaliyah in the background calling Kyah to come to our class immediately and help Kolby calm down. Once the door opened, I opened my eyes and turned to see that it was Kyah. She stood in shock with her eyes full of tears. She ran over infront of me and stood in front of the gun to talk to Kolby into putting the gun down before he ruins the rest of his life. When Kyah stepped infront of me, Kolby snapped out of his head and looked at Kyah. He never put the gun down from my head while looking at Kyah.

" Kolby, please put the gun down. I know you're upset, I am too but think about what you're doing. This is your nephew's dad, please don't take that from him, K." Kyah said to him

He looked back at me with anger in his eyes, cletched his jaws, and put the gun down. I let out a big sigh of relief and hugged Kyah. She didn't hug me back but I wanted to show thanks for saving my life.

" Just because I helped you not get yo head blown off doesn't mean we're getting back together. I don't blame Kolby for what he was about to do. If it wasn't for the baby, you'd be dead." she said to me as she left from out of the classroom.

The teacher asked for us to grab our things and go to the office. I grabbed my booksack and headed towards the office. My principal asked what happened and I just told him personal issues. I wasn't no snitch, I know the nigga just had a gun to my head about to kill me but I understood his frustration. Police asked me did I want to press charges and I simply said no. Ms. Peterson, the principal, gave me a week suspension and Kolby on the other hand got arrested and expelled from school for assult with a deadly weapon and illegal possession of a firearm. When I walked outside of the principals office, Kyah was waiting outside of the door for me. Maybe she changed her mind and wants to get back together. I began to get happy when she pulled out an ultrasound strip and handed it over to me.

" I forgot to give this to you the other day. I thought you would want a copy to keep for yourself."

" Preciate it ma." I cleared my throat and said.

This girl was not playing with me at all. I had to try harder to get her back. She walked off after handing me the ultrasound pictures and I did the same. I walked outside to my car and headed home so I could study and take a nap. Today, has been the most weirdest and toughest day ever. I never would've thought I would be enemies with someone I used to call my brother. On my end, it was honestly no beef or pressure against Kolby. It is what it is at this point. I'm not begging Kyah anymore about getting back together either. That shit dead. I'm over allat bullshit, I'm doing everything for now on for my son.

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