Chapter Thirty Two ♡︎

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Kyah Richardson
Today me and Kashie are getting released, YAY. I was so excited! The hospital food was okay but the nurses were the best. My dad even gave them a great donation for their care. I was currently packing when the nurse came in with my discharge papers.

" Here you go Ms. Richardson. And tell your father we really appreciate his donation. I hope you and baby boy take care." She said hugging me

I called Lando to see where he was and he told me he was on the elevator on his way up to the room. Kash was asleep sitting in his carseat peacefully. He was a good baby, barely cries, sleeps well, eats good, and shit and piss all day lol. I zipped up my suitcase as Lando walked in and started grabbing bags immediately. I grabbed my baby and we carefully walked out of the hospital. My recover has been well. No tears or scarring at all and I'm blessed for that! We just gotta get this shape back together. Lando opened the backseat door and I strapped down Kash in his seat while Lando loaded up the car. Lando opened the passenger side door and I slowly got in the car as he helped me inside. One he got in, he crunk up the car and we pulled out the parking lot.

" You hungry bae?" Lando asked me attaching his hand to mine

I smiled and he laughed knowing I was most definitely hungry. We drove to the nearest Chic Fil A and waited in the long ass line.

" Ko said everybody at the house waiting on y'all to get there so you can see the room. We finished that damn room at like 4 this morning bae, I hope you like it."

" I'm sure I will. Next baby we know not to plan and decorate the nursery so late."

We laughed and finally made it to the speaker to order. I got the Chic Fil A sandwich with nuggets and a lemonade and Lando got the nugget meal. We grabbed our food and I instantly started eating my burger. We were at a red light so I decided to turn around and check on Kash. He still was sound asleep in his car seat wearing his cute little bear onesie Asia bought him. I smiled and turned back around in my seat to continue eating my food. The light turned green and the car in front of us still was sitting at the light.

" What the fuck they doing" Lando said laying down on the horn

The driver flipped us off and pulled off fast from the red light. We pulled off as well until I spotted a car coming from the left speeding towards us coming through the light.

" LANDO A CAR" I screamed pointing to the car coming towards his side of the car.

Lando tried to speed up to miss the car from hitting us but it just wasn't enough time. The car hit us so hard that Lando's driver side was impacted in and he was unconscious. I shook him trying to wake him up but he wouldn't wake up. I hurried up and removed my seat belt and climbed into the back seat to make sure Kash was okay. He was crying to the top of his lungs with glass shattered all over him in his carseat. I removed the glass pieces and got him out of the seat hugging him tightly. I searched for my phone to dial 911 until the back door opened and a masked man held a gun to my head with my baby in my hands. Another masked man went to the other side of the back door grabbing Kash's bsby bag and car seat.

" Get the fuck out the car." a familiar voice said and I sat there holding my baby tightly.

" I said get the fuck out the car bitch" the boy said grabbing my arm and dragging me out Lando's car and into another. Both of the men quickly got inside of the passenger and driver side of the car and scurried off. I looked back at Lando's car and began to cry causing Kash to cry even louder.

" Both of y'all shut that shit up back there" one of the dudes said pointing a gun at me and Kash.

I acted accordingly and wiped my eyes and rocked Kash so he could settle down and get quiet. I stared out the window and cried wondering if Lando was okay. How could I just leave him like that?! I knew that this was all of Dru's doing. I couldn't believe this bitch ass nigga would put his own child in harm behind something so stupid. He didn't give a fuck and it shows. We've been driving for a good 40 minutes now and I've thought of multiple ways to escape but I've gotten no where. The door was on child lock and whoever this was held me at gun point this whole car drive. We entered this dirt road way off in the woods and came up to this big log cabin surrounded by nothing but trees. I began to bounce my leg as the driver parked the car, my nerves were shot. I had scars across my face and arms from the air bag and my head was pounding . They grabbed the bags and carseat and pulled me out of the car and led me inside of the cabin. He tossed me and my bags inside of this empty room with a bed and baby crib and locked the door before I could get up and try to escape. The windows were locked and there literally was nothing but a metal pot laying on the ground for me to use the restroom in. I laid Kash inside of the wooden crib and sat on the hard bed beside it. I broke down and cried inside of the pillow as I thought about what just happened and Lando. I wanted to know if he was okay. I wanted medical attention to make sure me and my baby were okay. I looked up and seen a camera in the corner of the room looking down on us. I shook my head and got up to grab Kash so that we could sleep in the bed together. I had to keep us safe and protected, it was my job to do so. Kash was only two days old and going through so much already. I didn't want this for him. I laid him down in the bed and laid beside him and prayed. I prayed that God would get me out of this hell hole. I prayed that Lando was okay and my dad and Kolby would find me and Kash soon so that we could go back to our family. Dru is a fucked up individual. I regret fucking with him. The only good he did was give me my son, that's all.

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