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It was the next morning and Robby had invited Sloane to go to the skatepark since the two both shared that interest. She had nothing better to do so she obviously accepted.

The park was only about 10 minutes away from her house so, she decided to just skate there. When she arrived, she found Robby sitting on a bench, playing on his phone.

"Robby!" Sloane called out. The boy perked his head up and glanced over at Sloane.

"Hey," he said as Sloane walked over to him. "Ready to rock?" He chuckled.

"Yep, as always," Sloane replied. The two decided to skate down a railing and into a quarter pipe, Robby leading.

"So, what tricks did you want me to teach you?" Robby asked Sloane, picking up his board.

"Hmm, maybe a 360 flip?" Sloane replied. She had been practicing a 360 flip for a while but could just never master it so she was hoping Robby could help.

"Sure," Robby said. He then went down a ramp, easily doing a 360.

"Show off," Sloane muttered, rolling her eyes. Robby just laughed in response.

"Give it a try. I need to see where you're at," Robby suggested. Sloane nodded. She went down a ramp and tried to do the 360 but ended up up only doing a 180.

"Not bad. You just need more height. Give yourself some more power," Robby explained. Sloane was slightly jealous that Robby was such a good skater but now she was more determined to do it. She gave herself way more power and she did the 360, just didn't quite land it.

"That's a 100 times better. Keep practicing and don't give up. Then you'll be just fine," Robby suggested. Sloane nodded and went for it again, still missing the landing.

She was pretty tired at this point after trying it a few more times so she grabbed a drink of water. Sloane decided to watch Robby who attempted to do a skill. She thought he was going to fall, but then he landed in a handstand like the one Daniel did the other day.

"Holy shit Robby! You did it," Sloane called out to him. He then got out of the handstand and headed towards her.

"I was not expecting that. Especially since Mr. LaRusso couldn't do it," Robby exclaimed.

"Hey, you should try it in the All-Valley. Nobody would expect that," Sloane suggested.

"That's not a bad idea," Robby said, taking a drink of water.

"See you later Robby. I gotta get to school," Sloane said, grabbing her backpack.

"Later," Robby replied.

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Sloane sat in math as she took her practice test that she was dreading all week. Since she sat in front of Demetri and Miguel, she could hear the two whispering.

"Would you two shut it. I'm trying to focus and all I can hear is girlfriend this, girlfriend that blah blah blah," Sloane whispered teasingly as she turned her body around to them.

"You got the karate thing and I gotta play the long game," Demetri continued, still talking to Miguel.

"Do you need hearing aids Demetri?" Sloane asked since Demetri kept blabbing. Then, the bell rang meaning it was time for lunch.

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