𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓍𝓍 ★

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    "ROBBY, hey," I said, sitting across from him at his table.

"Hey. Uhm, where's my dad?" He asked. I look around for a quick second and then check my phone. I just received a message from him.

"I'm so sorry. He just texted me saying he can't make it," I told him.

"I knew it. Of course he can't make it," he stated. I grab his hand.

"Maybe he just got into a traffic jam or something," I said, trying to make it sound positive.

"Whatever. At least you're here. I'm sorry I was being rude. Just felt really betrayed I guess," he exclaimed. I smiled.

"I missed you. I mean I don't know what to do without you. I joined Cobra Kai and—"

"You joined Cobra Kai?" He stammered, cutting me off.

"Yeah. It's crazy I know. Kreese said he would buy me a house if I joined. I wasn't going to at first but then my brother needed it so, I had to accept it," I admitted. Robby's eyes softened.

"Same Sloane, always getting herself into shit," he chuckled. "I miss having you around. Do you think you'll be able to visit me soon?"

"Of course," I reassured him. He then got out of his seat and I did too. We both wrapped each other into a hug.

"Bye, Sloane. And I love you too," Robby said.

"Bye Robert," I tell him as I head out the doors.

  "Never underestimate your opponent. Even if you think they're weaker than you," Kreese said as he paced around the mat. "You always have to stay one step ahead of them. Is that understood?"

    "Yes sensei!" The students yelled including myself.

    "Sloane, I see you've finally said the words," Kreese stated.

    "Yes sensei," I said. He chuckled.

    "Good. Now let's see if you truly understand the lesson. I want you guys to kick this tree off the top. Red, you start."

    Red went to kick the tree but instead, his pants ripped.

    "Pathetic," Kreese mumbled to himself. "Rickenberger, show him."

    He then attempted a flying tornado but completely missed the tree. He groaned in pain.

    "Stop your snivelling. Silver, get up here," he announced.

    I shrugged and headed towards it. I did a really high jumping front kick but only managed to move the tree slightly.

    "Almost," Kreese stated.

    "I can do it, sensei," Hawk pitched in.

    "Then what are you waiting for?" Kreese asked as Hawk headed towards the tree.

bloody fists, robby keeneWhere stories live. Discover now