𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓋 ☆

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Today was the day of the All-Valley tournament. Sloane had been super nervous considering it was her first year in karate. She was packing her duffel bag until she heard a knock on a door. She ran to it and opened it to see Robby.

"Robby hey. Come in," Sloane said to the boy who she hadn't heard since the party two nights ago.

"I need to talk to you. About a lot actually," he admitted, stepping into the house.

"Why weren't you at practice yesterday? I was kind of worried," Sloane asked.

"Yeah well uh, Mr. LaRusso found out about me being Johnny's son and kicked me out of Miyagi-Do," Robby explained.

"What? You're still gonna fight today, right?" Sloane asked. Robby shrugged.

"I guess but I'll be unaffiliated," Robby stated. "Also um, I'm sorry about the other night. I kinda like Sam and was jealous of her boyfriend," Robby finished.

"It's okay. Miguel's my best friend and I know he would never do that to anyone but, he was drunk so that's that I guess. Besides, we kind of kissed. And I'm sorry for the things I said too," Sloane admitted.

"Don't worry about it. Friends?" Robby asked, putting out his hand.

"Friends," Sloane repeated as she shook his hand.

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When Sloane had arrived at the arena where the tournament was being held, she noticed all of the Cobra Kai's standing out front still.

"Hey guys!" She called out to Miguel and Hawk as she walked up to them.

"Hi Sloane. What's up?" Hawk asked.

"Was just about to go in. What are you guys still doing out here?" Sloane asked.

"Sensei still isn't here and we don't wanna make him pissed if we go inside without him," Hawk replied. Sloane glanced at Miguel who was looking down at the ground awkwardly.

"Miguel, are you okay?" Sloane asked.

"Yeah uh, can we talk real quick?" Miguel replied. Sloane nodded and then he pulled her to a more private area.

"What is it?" Sloane asked, crossing her arms. She already knew it would be about the kiss but she wanted to act dumb and see what Miguel said.

"The kiss a few nights ago.." Miguel exclaimed, trailing off. Sloane gave a quiet "mhm" to keep him talking. "If you weren't drunk, would you have meant it?" Miguel asked. Sloane wanted to avoid this question because honestly, she didn't know the answer.

"Could ask you the same thing," she replied, causing Miguel to groan in annoyance.

"I asked you first," he stated. Sloane rolled her eyes.

"Miguel, you're my best friend," Sloane started.

"But.." Miguel pitched in.

"But you still like Sam. I think. Anyways, I hate to admit but I did enjoy the kiss," Sloane exclaimed. Miguel looked down at her as the two made eye contact until Miguel slowly leaned in for a kiss. Their lips connected and they both seemed to like the kiss. Miguel pulled away.

bloody fists, robby keeneWhere stories live. Discover now