𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓋𝒾𝒾𝒾 ★

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IT WAS AROUND 9am and Sloane had just arrived at the Miyagi-Do dojo to find Robby punching at a bag quite aggressively.

"Jesus, are you okay?" Sloane asked the boy and she placed her duffel bag on the ground.

"It's not really your business so I wouldn't be concerned if I were you," Robby replied, coldly. Sloane scoffed.

"Whatever, bitch," she whispered under her breath, hoping Robby didn't hear. Just then, Sam walked outside into the dojo. It sounded like she was on the phone with Miguel. This made Sloane upset due to the fact she was ready for a relationship but couldn't because she still knew Miguel had strong feelings for Sam and him calling her after she blocked him just went to prove that point.

"I thought you blocked him?" Sloane asked Sam, clarifying her actions from the other day. Sam sighed.

"He literally called on Aisha's phone. How weird is that," she replied. Sloane chuckled. Sam and Robby then made eye contact.

"I thought it was Aisha," Sam stated. Robby punched the bag hard again.

"You can talk to whoever you want," Robby remarked, coldly.

"Hey guys!" Daniel said, walking towards the teens. "Alright, perfect attendance on day one," he said.

"So, what's our first lesson?" Sam asked.

"You'll see. Follow me," Daniel informed the three. He then led them to another area of the outdoor dojo where he cut open a bag of sand and created a circle.

"If we're just gonna play in sand, cant we go to the beach?" Sam asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer.

"I agree. I could go for a swim too," Sloane said in agreement to Sam.

"No, not today. It's been a long time since this dojo has had more than one student. And you figure with three people you have triple the amount of defense, right?" Daniel exclaimed. The three nodded reassuringly.

"Wrong," Daniel replied. "One of the cornerstones of Miyagi-Do Karate is always moving in a circle," he explained, motioning his hands in a circle.

"Let me guess. We're gonna move in that circle blind folded and defend ourselves from each others hits?" Sloane asked.

"Minus the blind fold and hits part, yes. With the wheel technique, you'll soon see that three people can be as strong as twenty," Daniel replied. "Now, are you guys ready?" He asked.

"Yes Mr. LaRusso," Robby and Sloane said in sync.

"Let's do this," Sam stated.

"Alright, get in the circle. Sam and Robby will do it together and then I'll help demonstrate with Sloane after," Daniel instructed. Sam and Robby then stepped into the circle.

"Face me, bow. Face each other, bow," Daniel said, the two following. Sam and Robby started practicing a combo of moves Daniel had taught them. Sloane was remembering them in her head as they did the moves.

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