𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓋𝒾𝒾 ☆

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    "Hey," Sloane said, walking into the dojo part of Daniel's house with Robby.

    "Hi guys," Daniel replied, fixing a shelf. Robby and Sloane looked around the place and noticed a box. Robby picked up what looked like a toy from it.

    "Careful. That drum saved my life," Daniel informed. Robby's face now had a guilty look.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to touch it," Robby stated.

    "Nah, it's just a toy," Daniel chuckled. "Then again, not everything in Miyagi-Do is always as it seems," Daniel exclaimed. Sloane walked over to what appeared to be a medal in a frame. Robby followed.

    "What's this?" She asked. Daniel walked over to the two.

    "That's the medal of honor," Daniel explained.

    "What's it for?" Sloane asked, now more curious about the item.

    "It's the highest honor awarded by the U.S military," Daniel replied.

    "I didn't know Mr. Miyagi was a war hero," Robby pitched in.

    "Yes, he was," Daniel said.

    "Guess it wasn't all bonsais and kata," Sloane shrugged.

    "What are these?" Robby asked, pointing at japanese writing on the wall. Sloane could tell Robby was interested in the history now too.

    "I'm glad you asked. First rule of Miyagi-Do Karate: Karate is for defense only," Daniel informed the two teens. He then walked to the other writing.

    "Second rule of Miyagi-Do Karate: First, learn rule number one," Daniel said. "It's really all about that first rule," Daniel finished.

    "I guess Mr. Miyagi would make an exception for Cobra Kai," Robby stated. "I mean, when my dad finds out what we're up to, he is not gonna know what hit him," Robby finished, walking away after.

    "What's wrong Mr. LaRusso?" Sloane asked, looking at the weird expression on his face.

    "Nothing, I'm fine," Daniel replied. Sloane shrugged and decided to follow Robby.

    "Hey Robby, you free later? My friend and I had tickets to see the new Spider-man but she's sick so I have a spare ticket if you wanted to join," Sloane asked.

    "Yeah sure. What time?" Robby replied.

    "Around 7? I'll pick you up," Sloane informed him. Robby nodded.

    "Okay guys come on. We're going operation Miyagi-Do," Daniel announced. The two teens followed him to his car and they arrived at a hardware store.

    "What do we need to get first?" Sloane asked.

    "A screw for that shelf I was trying to fix earlier. Look around and see if you guys can find it," Daniel instructed. The two easily found it about a minute later.

    "Mr. LaRusso, it's, uh. It's over here," Robby called out.

    "That's a deck screw. We could use that to hang the shelf, but then the screw would be doing all the work. Eventually, it'd give out under all this weight," Daniel said.

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