𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓍𝓋𝒾 ★

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    THE FIRST day of school. Something I always dreaded. I'm the type of person who wants this year to be a fresh start but it never really ends up happening. Except for this year.

I can feel it's going to be a rough patch but maybe Miguel cheating on me just gave me the courage to really push through it and make him realize what he missed out on. I was thinking that until I remembered where I am. In his bed at 6:30am. His alarm on his phone rang. God, he needs to change that Metallica shit, it's too early for it.

He taps me on the shoulder and I turn to face him in the bed. Not in the mood to deal with him.

"Good morning Sloane. Ready for the first day?" He asks. Sloane. Miguel always greets me with babe, not Sloane. But I snap back to reality and remember what he did last night. But really, I feel more betrayed by Sam. I wonder if she admitted it to Robby. Robby.. He's such a good person, he doesn't need this right now.

I got out of Miguel's bed, to caught up in my thoughts to say good morning back. I grab a pair of jean shorts and a turquoise hoodie with the words "American Eagle" printed on it. I then make it to the bathroom and get changed. I do my make-up and then catch myself looking in the mirror for way too long. Why do I feel insecure now.

I head out the bathroom, grab my backpack and get out of the Diaz residence. I then walk right across the grounds of the apartment complex to Johnny's door. I knock. And knock. And again until Robby answers the door. What was he doing there?

"Sloane? What're you doing here?" He asks.

"I need food. Do you have food?" I snap quickly, not knowing why I just said that.

"U-uh yeah of course. I'm making bacon and eggs right now. Come in," Robby replied. I follow him into the house which reeks like beer.

"Hey Sloane. Why aren't you with Mig—?" Johnny asked.

"Not right now. I just need some food that's the only reason I'm here," I stated. I then sat down at a small dining table and waited for those bacon and eggs. That was until there was a knock on the door.

"Oh no," Robby muttered. I gave a confused look to Johnny.

"It's LaRusso," Johnny whispered to me. "Sam's here."

"Johnny, I know you're in there. I saw your car," Daniel stated. What seemed like two seconds later, Daniel kicked Johnny's door down.

"Sam!" Daniel yelled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Johnny stammered, mad about his door.

"Sloane?" Daniel asked, confusingly. Why am I being brought up for crying out loud. Just then, Daniel and Johnny were having a beat down, throwing punches and kicks. Shit, where the hell did Robby go?

"Guys stop!" I stated right before Daniel was thrown into the TV and broke it.

"You wanna finish this?" I heard Daniel say to Johnny.

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