𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝓍𝒾𝓋 ★

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Today, Miyagi-Do practice was pretty early. Sloane had gotten there a few minutes early though to catch up with Sam and Robby before practice.

"Hey, Sloane! Could you go find Sam and Robby?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah of course. Do you know where they are?" She asked.

"I think they're in the home dojo," Daniel replied. Sloane nodded and headed into the dojo. When she opened the door, she was met with the two making out.

"Oh my god. Yep just gonna pretend I didn't see that," Sloane said. The two broke their kiss and had embarrassed looks on their faces. Sloane then ran out the dojo feeling weird.

"Sam, Robby, you're leading warmups!" Daniel called as Sloane returned outside. The pair then left the dojo and returned outside with Sloane and the others.

    Just then, Sloane got a text from Miguel; "Date at the roller rink at 7? It's 80s night and Tory's gonna hook us up with some free nuggets and fries." Sloane smiled, happy the two will finally be going on a date. She texted back; "Of course. I'll pick you up."

    A few hours later, the students were instructed to show wax on wax off at the dealership since Daniel needed to balance his work and being a sensei.

    "Okay, what type of girls are you looking for?" Miguel asked Johnny. Miguel and Sloane were setting up Johnny on a dating website to find a girlfriend.

    "Is that even a question. I bet he's looking for super hot babes," Sloane stated.

    "Right, that was a stupid question," Miguel admitted. Sloane chuckled.

    "What are your likes?" Sloane asked Johnny who furrowed his eyebrows at the question.

    "My likes? Well what am I supposed to say, long walks on the beach?" Johnny said sarcastically.

    "Think of things you actually like," Miguel informed.

    "Well I like muscle cars, martial arts and Iron Eagle. Oh and Iron Eagle Two," Johnny exclaimed. Sloane sighed. "Why aren't you guys texting this down. You're the ones who suggested it," Johnny finished.

    "You have to take this seriously," Miguel stated. Sloane nodded.

    "It wasn't as complicated back then. You just went to a bar, found a chick, and hooked up," Johnny told the teens.

    "Times have changed old man," Sloane said.

    "Hey, don't call me an old man ok, Speedy," Johnny said.

    "It's hard to resist when you dress like that," Sloane pointed out. Johnny scoffed.

    "Like what? You giving me fashion advice now?" Johnny asked. She rolled her eyes.

    "Might have too," she said. Miguel got up to find an outfit for his and Sloane's date.

    "Babe, what should I wear?" Miguel called.

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