Chapter Five

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TW: child abuse, drug addiction, pain, idk if the italics are working

Please don't forget to comment!


July, 2016

Nightmares are a bitch.

Mallory had been suffering from nightmares for as long as she could remember. The first nightmare-less sleep she had had in a while was when she was sleeping next to Taylor the night the blonde showed up on her doorstep, scared half to death because she thought Mallory had run away from her.

That's probably why this nightmare hurt more than usual.

Could you even call it a nightmare if you weren't scared?

Mallory was suddenly fifteen again, high out of her mind. She slowly walked into her state school (she had been expelled from her girls only Catholic school for making out two too many girls) looking dishevelled. It was probably obvious what she had been doing- her shirt was untucked and wrinkled, she smelled like weed, and she had a white powder on her jumper sleeve.

"Ms. Williams, fancy seeing you here," The headteacher said as Mallory waltzed in through the doors. She flipped her off, shimming out of her jacket, throwing a glare to the year sevens that watched. "I'd like to you in my office at the end of your lesson."

Mallory looked down at the woman and groaned, "Fine, whatever." She rolled her eyes, storming off to her maths lesson.

It was only around noon when Mallory arrived at school that day. Maths would go on for thirty more minutes and it would be lunch for key stage four. The class looked at her with wide eyes as she went in and sat at the back as always. Most people didn't know why she was there. Mallory barely ever attended school, and yet still had some of the highest grades.

She was in additional maths with about seven other people.

Maths ended quicker than she would have liked and she found herself missing her lunch to go sit in the headteacher's office. Not that it was much different from any other time. The only difference was that this time she going unwillingly.

"Ms. Blake," Mallory said, sitting on the sofa that was against the wall instead of at the desk.

"Mallory," The woman nodded in recognition, "Did you look at the flyers I gave you?" Mallory hummed, nodding, "And did you try them?"

Mallory looked at her with a snort, "Do i look sober right now?" She asked, "I'm like... fucking pissed out of my mind, I can- those flowers? They're talking to me."

Ms. Blake sighed, "Mallory, I am really trying to help and support you here. You were clean for four months, what happened?"

Mallory shrugged, biting her nails. Withdrawal happened. That pain, that itch that needed to be scratched. Every time she got close, it came back and kicked her arse.

The teacher frowned, "I'm sorry, but you've had an excessive amount of lates, truancies, isolations and detentions this term alone. I have to arrange a meeting with your father to determine the next steps of your punishment. You're not on strike one, Mallory. You're not even on strike five."

Mallory's jaw clenched, as did her hands. This wasn't fair.

"You're most likely going to be expelled, I've already spoke with the board, but there's not much that I can do."

Mallory nodded and looked down in embarrassment. This was going to be an awkward dinner.

It was more than awkward, actually.

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