Chapter Eighteen

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August and Sawyer are so Cowboy Like Me coded
How are we all tonight?


February, 2017

Mallory held Taylor's hand in her pocket as they walked through Centennial Park. There was a comfortable silence between them as Taylor's free hand swung dramatically in the cold winter air. Mallory's free hand held a picnic basket. Admittedly, February was not the best time to have a picnic, but there would be a lack of people outside so it was perfect for Taylor.

Upon finding a spot close to the lake, they stopped and Mallory laid out the picnic blanket. Taylor thanked her and sat crisscross-applesauce and began taking food out of the basket. Mallory grinned and kissed the back of her hand, helping her. They hadn't received any bad news in over a month, not that she was complaining. She felt like this was the calm before the storm.

And she was right in assuming so because then her phone rang.

"Yello?" Mallory hummed down the line, "Bets?"

"Are you alone?" Betty asked with a sniffle.

"No, I'm with Tay... Are you all right?" Mallory furrowed her eyebrows, meeting eyes with a concerned Taylor. She gave a reassuring smile and stood back up, shuffling away from the setup. "I'm alone now. What's up, Betty?"

"Matt proposed to me," She whispered, "I said no."

"Did you break up with him?" Mallory asked, trying to hide the smile that was creeping up onto her lips.

"Well, we definitely didn't stay together." Betty said before gasping, "I just remembered why I called you."

"You didn't call me because you wanted me to congratulate you?" Mallory asked in confusion.

"No!" Betty shook her head, "Can you come home?"


"Hell," Betty confirmed, "Bring black clothes. Or don't, I don't care."

Mallory hummed, "Now?"

"As soon as possible," Betty confirmed, "See you soon."


Mallory turned off her phone as her sister hung up and walked to Taylor collapsing next to the blonde, who scrolled through her phone. Mallory groaned melodramatically, taking a strawberry from Taylor's hand, making her snap up in offence.

Mallory smiled, "I have to go back home."

Taylor nodded in understanding, "Do you want to take my jet? Do you want me to come?"

"Yep and absolutely." Mallory said, "Sorry to cut this short."

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm pretty sure someone died," Mallory continued nonchalantly as they tidied away the food.

Taylor had to do a double take, but Mallory said no more about the subject until they were at the Heathrow airport. Not until James and Ana greeted them with sympathy hugs and smiles. Mallory and James left to talk about the matter in private before coming back.

The two women sat in the back of James' car as he and his girlfriend took the two front seats as James and Anastasia took the two front seats. The car ride was spent with Mallory drawing shapes on Taylor's hand with her finger and the blonde watching in adoration.

When they got to Mallory's childhood home, she smirked slightly- Taylor noticed. The brunette then turned to the blonde, "Do you want me to take you to my house?"

"Do you want me to go?"

Mallory shrugged, "They're doing a will reading. Does that excite you?" Taylor grimaced and Mallory grinned, "I'll drive you home. James, darling brother, keys please."

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