Chapitre Douze

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Me after completely forgetting about Valentine and Leo 🙈🙊😘😚

(Look at me actually updating the main story!)


February, 2018

Mallory closed her eyes and breathed in. Screams of encouragement filled her ears, though the majority were for other contestants. But alas, Mallory only needed to hear two people to feel supported and she could.

August and Taylor screamed her name above everyone else. Their hollers carried through the stadium as the twenty-three-year-old jogged in her spot. She'd been training for this all year and a little nerves weren't going to get her down. She had a reputation to uphold.

"Good luck, Mal."

Mallory didn't have to open her eyes to know who that was. A small smile graced her lips and she rose her middle finger to flip off Lea. A scoff was heard and Mallory's smile grew as she opened her eyes to see Lea walking away.

The contestants were told to line up and they did so. Mallory breathed in once more, the noise of the world becoming nothing but static.

"Ready, set," A bullet shot through the sky and Mallory pushed herself off of the ground forcefully.

Her legs moved at an ungodly pace as she willed them not to give out on her. Thankfully, they hadn't and continued moving even until she was well past the finish line. 100 meters gone in under ten seconds once more.

A hearty laugh sounded through the speaker and Taylor and August looked up in confusion as Mallory stumbled to the ground on her hands and knees, panting wildly as her chest contracted. She doesn't think she's ever run that fast before.

"Folks," There was a pause for suspense and Taylor leaned forward in her seat, "Mallory Williams has just," Another pause made Taylor want to cry, "Why, she's just gone and beaten her own record!" The commentator's voice got louder with each word.

Taylor threw herself up, screaming loudly, making August wince and rub her ears. She clapped quickly, making her hands sting, but she didn't care. Right now was about Mallory and her gold medal.

Many others cheered with them, but Mallory just turned and looked at the crowd with blurry eyes. She scanned the crowd until she saw a flash of blonde and a few luminescent purple bracelets. It was Mallory's idea so that she could find Taylor. August was wearing some too.

She grinned, ignoring the camera that was now on her, and blew Taylor a kiss. Mallory couldn't see, but she knew that Taylor had dramatically caught the kiss and held it to her chest. The brunette would have stood up, but she couldn't feel her legs.

Wait... that's not good, right?

The brunette began hyperventilating and hit her leg. Nothing. She hit it harder and a sharp pain made her hiss and hold her leg tightly, trying to control the pain. Mallory sniffled as her eyes welled up with tears.

Her heart was beating rapidly as she forced herself to stand, only to have her legs cave under her weight. Mallory cried out in agony as paramedics rushed to get her onto a stretcher and take her to the hospital.

Taylor and August watched with furrowed eyebrows. They weren't looking at the screen, so they could see very little, but Mallory was being carried away by some people in high-vis jackets. That was enough to warrant fear from them.

A few hours later, Taylor and August found themselves at the hospital that Mallory had been taken to. It was inside the Olympic Village South Korea had built.

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