Chapitre Six

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Y'all Mallory needs a job but I can't think of one for her. Any ideas?


December, 2016

- Why we think Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss are no longer friends.
- August Williams admits that she had a crush on Taylor Swift when they first met!

Mallory awkwardly sipped her tea, watching as Taylor and Taylor played together in the kiddy pen. At first, the baby had been sceptical when it came to allowing the woman to play with his toys, but gave in when he realised that they shared the same name. Taylor was over the moon, though she was a little disheartened that she had missed the first ten months of his life, and helped him with his building blocks.

She sat in between Inez and James with August sprawled out across them. Betty had advised that she take a break from acting as she had left the set of Stranger Things to immediately arrive at the set of A Quiet Place. After the film had been filmed, August found herself making up for all the Stranger Things interviews that she had missed.

She was admittedly exhausted and was staying at Mallory's house. The older of the two had to listen to her complain that she no longer liked the beige colour of the walls and wanted them blue like they would have been if Mallory and Valentine's apartment hadn't been broken into.

Taylor jumped as the baby reached his hand up and gave a firm tug on her necklace. She winced slightly, gently pulling it out of his grip and tucking it into her shirt whilst explaining why he couldn't do that. The baby just pouted.

Mallory had realised that when Taylor said she'd never take it off, she was being serious. She realised Taylor was still wearing it when she came to her house in London with her jacket, but chose not to comment on it.

A jab in the stomach rendered Mallory winded as she looked down to see August with her eyes closed and a cocky smile on her lips, "Stare any longer and you'll have given her a hole in her head."

The runner scoffed quietly and pinched her sister, making the seventeen-year-old jump and fall on the floor. Taylor looked up at the commotion and locked eyes with Mallory, who smiled at her. She looked down with a blush and went back to baby Tay.

"August is right," Inez said before grimacing, "Make sure I never have today that again, Lory." The brunette rolled her eyes and willed her sister to explain, "Just tell her you're sorry again, kiss and make up. You both still love each other so why is it taking so damn long?"

James hummed in agreement, sipping a Snowball.

Mallory stayed silent for a moment, "She's winning me back," She shook her head, "besides, I want our anniversary to be on a pretty date. I liked September 29th. December doesn't have any pretty dates besides the ones that we already celebrate."

Betty walked into the house, squinting at the bright Christmas lights as Leo followed her in with the baby bag. She looked at Mallory in question. The brunette just nodded to Taylor having let the blonde take over decorating for Christmas this year like she had promised the previous year.

Betty opened her mouth in acknowledgement and threw herself down onto the side next to Inez. It was becoming quite packed. August stayed on the floor and sat with her back pressed up against James' legs as she flicked through the channels of Mallory's television to find a decent Christmas movie. (She eventually decided on Scrooged, earning a cheer from all of her siblings (a film that they watched religiously growing up), putting the remote down next to her).

Ana, James, Mallory, Inez, and now Betty all sat on the sofa, Nathan occupied the love seat and Leonard the small armchair on the other side. Mallory tried to think of where Taylor would sit when she got bored of playing with the baby, who was now banging on his rainbow xylophone, giggling as Taylor shook some maracas.

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