Chapter Eighteen

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Howdy 🤠 happy 80 chapters btw

Anyway warning for a caesarean section and my minuscule knowledge on childbirth

(Short chapter sorry)


February, 2022

Mallory had spent thirteen hours in labour and when it came to the final stages of the birth, they realised something was wrong. The umbilical cord had been wrapped around the baby's throat and the only way to get it out safely was a caesarean section.

Mallory's laboured breaths echoed in the sterile delivery room, the rhythmic beeping of the monitors a constant reminder of the delicate balance between life and uncertainty. The tension in the room was palpable as the medical team worked quickly to prepare for the impending c-section.

Mallory's blue eyes held a mix of anticipation and apprehension, her lips trembling as she looked up at Taylor. "It's going to be okay, Mallory," Taylor reassured her, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and determination.

The sterile scent of the hospital room hung in the air as Mallory lay on the delivery table, her body tense with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Taylor stood by her side, holding Mallory's hand tightly, their fingers intertwined in a silent show of support.

The beeping of the monitors and the hushed voices of the medical team created an undercurrent of tension, but Mallory's gaze never wavered from Taylor's reassuring eyes. "We're almost there, Mallory," Taylor whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of concern and encouragement.

Mallory nodded weakly, her heart racing as she felt the moment drawing closer. The doctor's hands moved swiftly, and then, in a whirlwind of activity, the room was filled with a baby's first cry. Taylor's eyes filled with tears of joy as she watched their child being lifted into the world, swaddled in blankets.

As the nurse carefully placed their son in Taylor's arms, a mixture of awe and anxiety washed over her. She looked down at the tiny face, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on her shoulders. "Hey there, little one," Taylor whispered, her voice soft and tender. "We're going to take good care of you."

Taylor's heart swelled with a mixture of love and concern as she held their baby, their warmth against her chest both comforting and surreal. She turned to show them to Mallory, her voice quivering with emotion. "Mallory, look at our beautiful baby."

But as Taylor turned to Mallory, her heart plummeted. Mallory's eyes were closed, her face ashen. Panic surged through Taylor's veins as she gently shook her partner's shoulder with her elbow. "Mallory, wake up!" she pleaded, her voice tinged with fear.

The room erupted into controlled chaos as doctors and nurses rushed to Mallory's side, their urgency a stark contrast to the previous moment of joy. Taylor's grip on their baby tightened, not enough to be of concern, but enough to show her fear, as she was guided to the side, her eyes wide with shock.

"Mallory, stay with us," Taylor heard one of the doctors say urgently as they worked to stabilize her. The sound of medical equipment and hushed instructions filled the air, drowning out Taylor's racing heartbeat.

Minutes that felt like an eternity passed before a doctor approached Taylor with a weary but reassuring smile. "She's stable now," he said, his voice a balm to Taylor's frayed nerves. "Mallory lost a significant amount of blood during the c-section. We're taking her to the recovery room to monitor her closely."

Taylor nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Will I... will I be able to see her soon?"

"Of course," the doctor replied gently. "We'll take good care of both of them."

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