Chapitre Quinze

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My mum's doubling back on me going to see Gracie because I don't have anyone to go with 💔💔💔💔💔

Another filler chapter (an apology for not writing Mallory's reaction to Dress or DBM)


May, 2018

Mallory was at another show.

Though, this time she was alone with Andrea and Scott. Watching Taylor perform each song again, she felt on top of the world. It hit just as much as it did the first time. Her voice hadn't fully recovered from the first show (and the night after it), but that wasn't going to stop her from belting out the words to each song.

She cheered loudly when Taylor came up on stage, clapping like a madman. Her hands stung, too. The first thirteen or so songs came and went like the first time, but then Mallory felt her whole world stop. Yes, she's seen this performance before, but it was just so magical and she couldn't get enough.

Mallory felt her whole world stop as Taylor began singing Dress. The backup dancers made it all the more entrancing. She would've sung along to it if she wasn't alone with Andrea and Scott, but it was a bit awkward. Singing about your sex life with your girlfriend with her parents right next to you.

When the bridge came, Mallory couldn't hold it in anymore and began yelling out the words. She thought it was funny how Taylor deemed bleachella as her worst time. Not that she wasn't wrong.

"Say my name and everything just stops-"

Mallory and the rest of the stadium screamed her name as the lights cut out. The song started up again and Mallory grinned like a schoolgirl with a crush.

Taylor was the best drug Mallory had tasted. And she'd be using for the rest of her life (hopefully).

"There is an indentation in the shape of you," Mallory blushed when Taylor pointed up at the VIP box, giving her a wave. Some fans turned around and Mallory ducked her head down to avoid their gazes. "You made your mark on me, golden tattoo."

"Should I get another tattoo?" Mallory asked Andrea over the music.

"Yeah!" A few voices yelled atop the woman's, making Mallory look at a few people recording her.

"Hi!" She smiled sheepishly, "What should I get?"

"Something golden!" One person said and a few more agreed with him.

The brunette grinned and stuck her thumbs up, making some people cheer, "Now pay attention to Tay! She's the reason you bought tickets!"

The next songs to play were a mix of Bad Blood and Should've Said No. Mallory loved every second of it. As it faded out and another one of Mallory's favourites began, the brunette slipped and fell on her ass.

"Are you okay?" Andrea asked as the brunette stood up.

"Yep. Yep, sorry," She dusted herself off as she tried to swallow her embarrassment. Andrea nodded as Taylor came back on stage, singing a song akin to a hymn.

Okay, now Mallory was ascending into Heaven. Love had made her go absolutely feral. Her voice was cracking with every word she sang, but that didn't stop her. For Taylor, Mallory would lose her mind. For Taylor, Mallory had lost her mind.

She could hear everyone now, 'Remember when you said you were over her?' Yes, and clearly she was wrong.

Taylor Swift isn't someone you just get over.

She's someone that you fall asleep thinking about and wake up missing every day for the rest of your days.

... not to be dramatic.

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