Chapter Eight

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Howdy y'all it's been a while


February, 2021

Mallory's leg bounced up and down as she gnawed on her bottom lip, waiting for the doctor to come into her office. Dr Khan's office was brightly coloured. There were paintings of families with kids, paintings of babies and lots of art made for kids, most likely by kids. There was a thank you card on her desk from a family she had helped get pregnant a few years ago.

Dr Khan finally came in with a gentle smile behind her mask. One that you could see in her eyes that made Mallory relax and slump down in her chair. "Hello, Mrs. Williams," She said. "Congratulations, by the way."

"Thank you," Mallory picked at the skin of her fingers. "And you can call me Mallory."

The doctor nodded. "Well, Mallory, am I right in assuming that you came today to ask a few questions about your fertility?"

The brunette nodded and bit her lip once more. "I used to have a drug addiction, ten odd years ago when I was a teenager. I was just... I was wondering how badly that would affect my maybe baby?"

A click of the lips made Mallory's nerves come back. "Using illicit or recreational drugs, such as cannabis, synthetic cannabis, cocaine and other drugs such as ecstasy, ketamine and amphetamines may contribute to fertility problems. This means that if you or your partner take drugs, you may find it more difficult to get pregnant. Illegal or recreational drugs can also cause serious problems in pregnancy.

"In women, heavy cannabis use can cause hormone dysregulation so women who use it are likely to have problems getting pregnant, compared to those who don't," She explained as Mallory nodded along.

The brunette cleared her throat. "And I have a higher chance of infertility because of that."

Dr Khan nodded apologetically. "But we can do a few tests to check your fertility rate."

Mallory nodded. She never liked hospitals, but she needed to know, so she allowed the doctor to take her blood, do a Hysterosalpingography, and an Ovarian reserve test. Once they were done, Mallory picked at the cotton ball that was taped to her limb and waited for the results in the waiting room.

When Dr Khan came back with the results, she was smiling optimistically through her mask. "So, your fertility rate is a lot higher than expected given your addiction, and you have a good amount of eggs left in your ovarian reserves. Lastly, the cavity in your uterus is only slightly below normal, meaning you still have a pretty high chance of getting pregnant, Mallory. Congratulations."

Mallory gave a small smile and thanked the doctor before she was excused and left the hospital. The walk back to her house was long. She stopped at a Tesco to buy herself a meal deal. She ate it on the rest of the way back.

With the sandwich in her mouth, Mallory reached her hand out to unlock the door and walked in, kicking it shut. She held the sandwich in her hand as she kicked off her shoes and walked through the entrance to her living room.

Just as she flipped on the lights, multiple voices yelled, 'Happy Birthday!' Making her scream and throw her sandwich at the closest face she saw.

Then she teared up. "My sam-ich," She pouted.

"My face!" Taylor cried out, wiping the Mayo off of her forehead.

"Sorry," The brunette apologised. "But my sandwich!"

Inez chuckled and her son ran over to his favourite aunt. "Happy birfday!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Hiya, babe, I missed you so, so much!" She exclaimed and gasped. "Look at your mask!"

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