Chapter 1: A World Of Unknown

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In the year 2023 humanity was on the brink of self distruction from countries at war to natural disasters but humanity pull through by joining together and in the following years peace was finally achieved but this was only the beginning to the end because in the year 3000 humanity created it's destruction when an exerpiment to breath life into uninhabitable went wrong.

Following the event of what would become known as Fallen Earth years pass and the wild nature began to reform on earth but humanity was no longer around to see it however animals were uneffected by this and continue living but over time these animals began to change as the experiment gave them an evolution allowing them to walk on two legs, speak and soon they started to accept the role of there earths new race and this race would take the name of furries but now in the year 4023 this world was about to be shaken.

Unknown Location

In an unknown loction a lare building stands old and broken but some of the technology still works as a computer activates and a small pod opens and a man falls out. "Where am I?" the man asked as he stands up slowly unsure of what was going on but he felt cold before slowly walking over to the computer and looks through the files and finds a little information.

"My name is F/n L/n seems I was frozen in cryo sleep to escape some world ending disaster but it doesn't say what it was and there is nothing about what happened after I was put into cryo sleep" I tell myself as I start to move towards what looked to be lockers where I find a tracksuit which I put on however I didn't find any foot wear as I walk towards the exit but once outside what I saw was not what I expected. In front of me stood nothing but trees as far as the eye could see but I decide to go straight and hope to find someone who might be able to tell me what has become of earth while I slept but as I feel to dirt under my feet I soon come to end of the forest to discover a city

"So there are still people left maybe they can catch me up to speed on the event that came after I was frozen" I tell myself as I walk towards the city but once I'm in the city I find it is full of what looked like humanoid animal so I hide in an nearby alley out of sight as confusion and fear wash over me. *What is this?* I thought as I watch all these different humanoid animals walk past unsure how to act but I needed information on this world so to not cause a panic I pull up your hood as to hide my face and walk out not causing any problems.

*Lets see I need to find someone who can tell me about this world but where do I start* I thought to myself before bumping into someone knocking them to the ground. "I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going here let me help you" I said as I help this humanoid animal to their feet. "Thanks for that the name is Alexa Shield" Alexa says as I wonder if I should give my name or not but I was raised with manners so it only seems fair.

"I'm F/n L/n and again I'm sorry about bumping into you I was lost in thought" I say as I can just about see her and I see she is a beautiful woman.

Alexa's Look

Alexa seems like a nice lady and I begin asking her if she could tell me what happened to the world and this seems to confuse her as everyone in this world already knows about it but I make up lie and tell her I lost my memories and she believed m...

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Alexa seems like a nice lady and I begin asking her if she could tell me what happened to the world and this seems to confuse her as everyone in this world already knows about it but I make up lie and tell her I lost my memories and she believed me and tells me but what I heard was unbelievable as I sat on a nearby bench feeling broken and lost. *Humanity is extinct but that means I'm alone in this strange world all my friend are gone* I thought as Alexa placed a hand on my shoulder as I keep my face hidden but even so how was I going to live in a world with these people and would they accept me.

"If you need a place to stay I have a spare room you can use" Alexa told me as I nod and she leads me to her home I wasn't sure if this was a good idea since it would make me hiding my face much harder but I had nowhere to go. As we arrive I continue to debate what I should do tell her the truth or just change my mind but once I enter I watch her walk into the kitchen before I asked her where the bathroom was and she tells me it was just up the stairs so I head to it and lock the door before lowering my hood and look in the mirror. "What am I doing lying to this nice lady all because of fear but still would this world accept me".

I wait about ten minutes thinking about my options and decide to take a chance but I would be lying to say I wasn't scared but I had to tell the truth so I leave the bathroom after pulling my hood back up and head down stairs where I find Alexa sat at the dinning table. "Alexa can we talk a minute" I asked as she looked at me and I sat in front of her and wonder if I should turn back but I decide to continue.

"If you could meet a human what would you do?" I asked hoping her answer will answer my own questions even if only a little. "I'm not sure that's possible but if I could I would welcome them into this world since it would no doubt be strange to them" Alexa told me and I suddenly feel a sense of calmness wash over me as my chest feels less tense and I smile under my hood. "I must apologize you see I lied to you because of my own fear but if I may show my face maybe you will understand" I tell her as I see her look confused before I grab my hood and slowly pull it down until she saw my face and I see her eyes widen as I knew she was surprised.

"Your a human" Alexa said in pure shock as I nod after which I explain things and to my surprise she understood after all I was frozen for from what I can remember is around ne thousand years but she did say I was more than welcome to stay as I adjust to this new world.

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