Chapter 14: Venom

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After I left Rachel's house I quickly made my way to the location of The Red Claw to end this war but as soon as I arrive I make myself known by bursting through the doors taking out any Red Claw members I see.

"I'm only going to say this once bring me your leader" I tell them but they decide to attack instead so I start taking them down one by one compared to Sam these guys are light weights. I start walking deeper into their stronghold with all the members starting to fall like flies but I soon find myself in a much larger room as I dodge an attack from one of the enemy.

"Who might you be?" I asked the furry that stood in front of me. "My name is Hazel and I will be taking your life now" Hazel says as I looked at the weapon in his hand and I was getting a strange smell off it but I wasn't sure what it was.

Hazel's Look

"You seem more skilled then those I have been fighting" I tell him hoping to get a little information out of him

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"You seem more skilled then those I have been fighting" I tell him hoping to get a little information out of him. "You seek information not that it will make a difference I'm one of the elite four but you already defeated one of us but that was pure luck it won't happen again" Hazel says as I see him rush in with incredible speed bringing the small knife he had close to my neck but I avoid the strike. "Do you mean Sam" I say Hazel looked at me and I prepare to continue our fight.

"Yes the elite four serve under lady Ryoko we rank 2nd to 5th and Sam was rank 5th he was the weakest of the elite four but still strong in his own right" Hazel tells me as he rushed in and I am forced to dodge all his attacks as I finally figure out the smell coming from his weapons as I jump back. "Those weapons are coated in poison am I right" I told him as Hazel smiled.

"Your right I am a specialist in poison and I'm rank 4th so do yourself a favour and die for our lady" Hazel says as he rushed at me but I stand there ands wait until he was within range for me to deliver a knee to his jaw but I soon follow up by getting his head in a headlock before smashing him into the ground making him drop his knives. "You might be strong but I have trained with tougher people than you" I tell him as I stand up and begin to walk away believing I had won the fight but I would soon learn that this was not true.

Hazel's Past

Hazel was 15 years old at the time but he was already a geat doctor since he was able to make medicine for almost anything but his gift would soon prove to be a curse.

"What do you mean I'm being let go my research has helped save lives and now your just throwing it away" Hazel says clearly angry as the committee of the hospital he worked at was removing all his equipment. "Sorry Hazel but just to keep all this equipment is coting this hospital money we just can't efford we thank you for your service but this is goodbye" one of the committee said as Hazel soon found himself in a empty room no job but that was only the start of his downfall because once he got home it turned out his girlfriend had left him after news about him losing his job but not long after that he lost his house and was now on the streets.

"I lost everything my girlfriend, my job, my research and even my home I have nothing it's all gone" Hazel says until a womans voice caught his ears. "Tell me child why are you so sad" the mystery lady said as Hazel looked at her but he couldn't see her face as it was covered by a cloak but her voice was kind and warm. "I lost everything and now I'm nothing" Hazel tells her expecting her to walk away knowing his situation but to his surprise she knelt down and placed a hand on his head.

"This world has been unfair to you why not join me to change it become part of my family as all the others have do that and you'll never be alone again" the lady says as Hazel felt as if she was an angel sent down from heaven to turn his life around and so he took her hand which leads him to become one of the elite four of The Red Claw.

Back To The Present

"Stop we are not finished yet" Hazel said as I stop before turning around to see him getting back to his feet but as I was ready to attack and end the fight he swallows some kind of pill which suddenly made him bulky but it seems like he's in pain but I rushed in with a powerful punch but it did nothing. "Haha surprised this is one of my last resort pills it increases my strength and speed however it does shorten my life but it's worth it because now I'm unbeatable" Hazel says as he punched me and it was so strong I'm sent flying into a wall but the wall cracked and even though I managed to block it felt like my arm was broken.

"So you would go this far for her?" I asked as I hold my broken arm as Hazel rushed at me with explosive speed. "SHE GAVE ME A LIFE AFTER I WAS BROKEN AND FOR THAT I OWE HER EVERYTHING" Hazel screams as I block him with a punch from my good arm but even then it was hard to hold him back as the force from our clash making it hard to stand but I remember why I'm here and who I'm doing this for. "I RESPECT YOU HAZEL BUT I HAVE SOMEONE WAITING FOR ME AND I CAN'T ALLOW MYSELF TO FALL NOW BUT KNOW YOU WERE A WORTH OPPONENT" I shout as I use the muscles in my broken arm to reset the joints allowing me to move it as I deliver a strong uppercut to his jaw but I don't let up as I begin deliving a barrage of punches hoping to take him down in the end it took three hundred punches finally knock him down as I stand victorious and move on to face my next challenge as Hazel returns to his original state.

"That guy pushed himself past his limit to take me down maybe he can change this world and save you lady Ryoko" Hazel told himself before losing consciousness.

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