Chapter 2: Clothes Make The Human

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After one thousand you wake up and find the world you once knew no longer exists but te thing that shocked you was the fact that all humans had gone extinct and a new race called furries had taken over but you did meet woman named Alexa who wants to help you adjust to this new world.

To You

I wake up and look out the window as I saw the world that I had woken up in at first it seemed like a dream but this was reality I was the last human on earth as I walk to my bathroom as I look at myself in the mirror and only to see a slightly broken man as I notice a razer which Alexa gave me to allow me to clean myself up. *I could leave this world a single slice and I can be with my own people yeah just a single cut is all it takes* I thought as I grab the razer and hold it near my wrist as all I can hear is my heart beating as I press a little harder but just as I was about make the cut a knock came at my bedroom door which makes me stop.

"F/n are you awake" Alexa says as I finally noticed what I was about to do and drop the razer before answering her. "Yeah just washing up be down in a minute" I say as I hear her start to walk down the stairs but all I could do was sit on the floor and let my tears flow but I soon calm down and put on my tracksuit before heading down stairs where I have breakfast with Alexa.

Alexa seems unaware of what I was going to do so I decide to keep it that way as I hear her talk about taking me shopping for some new clothes and I agree since I didn't want to keep wearing a tracksuit but I wasn't sure if this world even had clothes in my size but she does tell me she has a friend who is a tailor so we leave after I put my hood up still unsure how this world would react to me and Alexa understood. "Thank you for this Alexa" I say as I see her smile at my words. "Listen F/n you should have a little more faith in this world I know it's strange but I promise it will not reject you but at the same time I want you to adjust at your own pace just know I will be here every step of the way" Alexa told me and those words make me feel happy as I feel a little more comfortable in this strange yet beautiful world.

After a couple minutes of walking we arrive at the place I feel a little nervous because this will be my second encounter with someone of this new world so we enter and it was full of clothes and they looked well made before someone speaks. "Alexa hey have you been?" the mystery furry said and I could tell it was a he and it looked like he is a anthropomophic sheep. "Hey Chester I'm good and I actually came to ask for a custom order for my friend here I have to warn you he's a special case" Alexa said as I could see the furry called Chester looking me up and down while thinking.

Chester's Look

"I have to admit he is much skinnier than other customer but I'm sure we have something for him" Chester says as I looked at Alexa and she nods telling me it was safe for me to show my face so I lower my hood and this made Chester stumble back

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"I have to admit he is much skinnier than other customer but I'm sure we have something for him" Chester says as I looked at Alexa and she nods telling me it was safe for me to show my face so I lower my hood and this made Chester stumble back. "A....A" Chester said in pure shock as Alexa placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me as I see Chester walk over to me and he starts walking around me looking at me from every angle.

"So how much will it cost to make him some custom clothes?" Alexa asked as Chester looks into my eyes and smiled. "It will cost nothing because I'll make you some clothes for free but only this once still I never expected to actually see a living breathing human where did he come from?" Chester asked as I looked at the clothes he had made for other furry customers as Alexa explains things to him. "I see so he was frozen for a thousand years it must be strange waking up in a world that has changed so much" Chester tells Alexa as I just look at the impressive clothes he made and I could tell he was skilled as I soon saw his make me some new clothes which I put on in his changing room he even found me a pair of trainers.

Your new clothes

Your new clothes

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After I changed and walk out of the changing room I see the surprised looks on Alexa and Chester's faces as I look behind me unsure of why they looked like that

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After I changed and walk out of the changing room I see the surprised looks on Alexa and Chester's faces as I look behind me unsure of why they looked like that. "Is something wrong?" I asked as Alexa walked over to me and smiled before rubbing my cheek. "Nothing is wrong we just think you look better not hiding your face" Alexa said and I blush at her basically calling me cute and after a couple minutes we leave but I put my tracksuit jacket back on so I could hide my face.

"Your making good progress just give it a little time" Alexa said but just knowing I was adjusting made me happy as I saw the people and wonder if I should take the chance so I stop which makes Alexa also stop. I reach for my hood and prepare to pull it down but I couldn't help but feel nervous I could see Alexa giving me a smile telling me it's ok if I'm not ready but just seeing that smile gave me the courage to move forward and pull down my hood as the people around us stop and stare.

"I want to move forward with my life no more fear" I tell her as I see her smile grow before I look round at the people around us but I was soon caught with a flash as I see someone with a camera most likely a news reporter and just like that I exposed myself to the world that was completely new to me and I welcome it with open arms.

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