Chapter 9: The Beast Within (Part 1)

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It had been a whole month since I started training withthe master of Ryózanpaku and I was learning a lot of martial arts but when I am training with Mason he tells me about Sam and how he hoped teaching him would help him learn to control his anger but once he left things only go down hill.

"Come on you need to be much faster" Mason said as I keep blocking his assult on me but I am a lot closer to being able to figt back as I deliver a knee as he does the same which cancelled his impact. "Good if you use a move to block your opponent of equal power then you can lock them in a stalemate but that also gives you both a chance to attack like this" Mason told me as I am elbowed in the face breaking our stalemate as I see he rush at me but I spin around to his back to avoid his attack before going on the offensive.

I jump in the air Mason was ready for my attack however I use a little switch to a rapid kicks as he struggles to hold his guard but I soon rotate my body in mid-air to deliver a strong uppercut to knock him back as I take my stance before the bell rings. "Well done your progress is coming along very well but don't think your skills are at the same level as Sam after all he has trained for years" Mason told me as we head inside to have some lunch before my next training session but soon a loud voice calls out making us all look at the person and see it was Sam. "Ryózanpaku I'm home" Sam says with a cocky smile as me and the masters walk out as Sam only looked at me.

"Sam your not welcome here" Mason said as Sam just looks not interested in what he had to say as I soon see him appear in front of me and punched me inside the dojo before walking in. "I have to say never expected you to be here but it saves me time because I actually wanted to find you and show you what happens to those who dare stand against The Red Claw" Sam says as he throws his jacket away as I got to my feet and take a fighting stance but Mason goes to step in however Tigress stops him. "You must not get involved this is their battle not your have faith in your student" Tigress told him as Mason understood and stays out of our fight which goes into high gear from the start as me and Sam both clash attacks with neither of us having the advantage.

Sam goes for a low sweep but I jump with a backflip before dropping a stomp to his face allowing me to pick him up and hold him there as I deliver strong knees to his gut over and over again but he was quick to block me and break free following up with an elbow to the face which sends me flying into a wall. "I have to admit your skills in combat have got better but your just lucky now let me show you real skill" Sam says as I see him rush at me and I put up my guard and he begins to deliver strong but fast jabs with each one being stronger than the last as I take a chance and catch his punches and follow it up with a headbutt which makes him stumble back.

I rushed him before smashing his face with my elbow followed by a knee to the face as I ontinue my assult pushing him back with every blow until he counters by biting my arm and doesn't let go. "AHHHH!" I scream as blood pours from my wound even so I keep trying to break free as I punch his face over and over until he finally let go allowing me to roll away as blood pours down my arm. "Your blood tastes fantastic but I still want more" Sam says as he rushed at me as he pops out his claws and swings them at me but I dodge however the claws grazed my clothes which had got torn apart.

After I get back to my feet I watch as Sam charged at me with one of my arms damaged I was forced to switch my style as he swings at me I catch it with my good arm and judo throw him into the ground but this was only a brief moment as he got up and rushed me again but I switch up again as I dodged him and grab a sword from the wall. "Seems they have taught you well but I have much more experience" Sam says as I rushed at him but this time I swing my sword which he dodged and strikes my shoulder digging his claws in my shoulder.

I pushed him away but I with the pain I was in it became hard for me to stay on my feet but I fight back the pain as I watch Sam lick his fingers but I soon lose it as he told me something which pissed me off. "Your losing the fire to fight ain't you but the last human I killed was the best prey you know her after all she was Rachel's mother" Sam says as I think of Rachel and how sad she was when she finally found out about her real mother but now Sam revealed he killed her and I just snap.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" I shout as I swing my sword in a blind rage however something inside me was roaring for blood and I soon found my blade cutting Sam's shoulder which took the smile off his face. He tries to make some distance between us but I keep up with my attack and soon I slashed his chest slattering blood all over the floor but I don't stop as go for his head but Sam was quick to dodge as he throws a smoke bomb and made his escape but as I begin to calm down my body was soon fall of pain as blood pours out of my arm and shoulder but as I fell back Mason caught me as I pass out.

"This isn't good he's lost a lot of blood we need to get him to a hospital" Kensei said as Mason looked at me and placed me on the ground. "I will go and fetch Rachel after all she is the closest to a match in blood since she is half human" Mason told them as they nod as he goes to fetch Rachel for a blood transfusion. *Sam will return and when he does only one of them will walk away so please kid live for Rachel* Mason thought as he runs down the mountain to get Rachel.

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