Chapter 15: Roaring Spirit (Part 1)

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As I enter the next room it seem no different to the last on before I sense someone rushing at me making me dodge as they past by and I could see it was another furry but this one looked like a panther.

"Got to say never expected to see a person who could dodge one of my punches" the panther says as I watched him take the stance of a trained boxer. "So your my next opponent tell me what's your name?" I asked as he smiled at me and I knew that look it was the same one Sam had this guy loved to fight. "My name is Jey, I'm one of the elite four oh and one more thing" Jey said as he rushed in with a powerful jab and it was strong that shot me into a wall and the impact was enough to crack some bones.

Jey's Look

*What the hell he's stronger than Hazel* I thought as I hold my ribs and it felt like I had five broken ribs as he smiled

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*What the hell he's stronger than Hazel* I thought as I hold my ribs and it felt like I had five broken ribs as he smiled. "I'm ranked 2nd" Jey told me as I could barely breath thanks to his last attack. *You have to be shitting me I seriously have to fight the person right below the boss* I thought as Jey closed the distance and I was forced to block his punch but even though I was able to not get blow away it damaged my arm leaving it with a tingle.

"Oh you managed to not get blown away again good that means I can let loose a little more lets see how about 20% power" Jey says as I watched him vanish before I'm sent flying by a kick to my face but before I even touch the wall he appears between us and kicks me up into the ceiling making me cough up blood before falling to the floor. *He's so fast I couldn't even keep up and this is not even his full power* I thought to myself as I struggle to even lift my body off the floor because of the amount of pain but I force my body to get off the floor until I'm on my knees.

"Your still able to move good don't let the fun end" Jey said as vanished again but this time I was ready for him back when he kicked me I quickly grabbed his leg and pulled him into a knee but it did nothing to him but make him smile. "That's good keep improving and show me how far you can go" Jey told me as I see him grab my head and slammed me into the floor but I'm soon picked up as he delivers a roundhouse kick to my side cracking even more of my ribs as I crash into a wall. *All that power, combat knowledge and he's only ranked 2nd is this Ryoko lady that strong* I thought as I fall to the floor just wanting to let my body rest however I refuse to stay down as I fight through the pain to reach my feet and this made Jey happy.

"Your not broken yet good because I want to take things even further" Jey says as he vanished but this time I sense him getting closer and block with a punch which surprised him but I also put all my force into it and actually pushed him a couple feet. "I can't lose to you as I have people to protect" I say as I forced my body to remain standing however I am in a lot of pain which makes me want to end this fight fast so I rush in as Jey does the same and we both begin clashing fists and Jey is surprised to see me not getting blown away from the impact.

 "I can't lose to you as I have people to protect" I say as I forced my body to remain standing however I am in a lot of pain which makes me want to end this fight fast so I rush in as Jey does the same and we both begin clashing fists and Jey is ...

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"Your impressive human but lets see you keep up with me at 40%" Jey said as he begins to speed up so much so that as we are clashing I'm also having to avoid the stikes I miss I stand my ground. "I will not give up" I say as Jey was also having to avoid my strikes as we were both reaching high speeds until my already damaged arms give out and I'm hit with a surge of pain making me stop for a moment as Jey goes for a final blow but I counter it by kicking his fist into the air.

"It seems this fight is over without your arms I will easily overpower you but you should be proud as no one has made me use this much of my true strength tell me your name" Jey said as I struggle to stand and breath. "My name is F/n" I told him as Jey smiled before delivering a strong punch to me making me go flying into a wall which not only cracks from the impact but also shakes the room as I start to fall to the floor. "I will remember your name as he of great resolve now rest forever" Jey says as he starts walking away I was slowly slipping into unconsciousness when a voice calls out to me that voice was Rachel and it snaps me back to reality as I stop myself which shocked Jey.

"We....are....not....done" I tell him as my eyes glow blue and I slowly change into what I call my beast form and this makes Jey look at me in surprise as he remembers how he looked back then.


Jey was a man who loved boxing even as a kid he was able to beat fully trained athletes and once he made his debut into the boxing world he quickly climbed to the top and he was given the title Jey the unbeatable but after an accident his career was over and soon the fans that once cheered his name forgot all about him but as he was punching a punching bag Ryoko walked up to him.

"Tell me young man why do you continue to train when it's impossible to rejoin the world you once had" Ryoko says as Jey keeps punching until he accidentally used his true strength and punched a hole through the punching bag. "Because I like the thrill of combat but I can't ever forget my mistake" Jey says as he remembers the fight which ended his career it was a title defence but Jey got too excited and accidentally killed his oppenet which cost him everything. "What if I told you I am willing to give you what you want and in exchange you help me change this world for those who have suffered in it" Ryoko told him and this offer was too good for Jey to pass up as he takes her hand.

Ƒlashback ends

Jey smiled at the memory as I walk towards him feeling the weight of my arms swinging from side to side I quickly fix this by using my arm muscles to pop them back to place allowing me to move them a little. "You are a true warrior" Jey said as he prepares to attack however he also shows me a look with true fire behind them as we prepare to clash but this time it would be the last as I was in bad condition but also Jey was going in at a 100% power.

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