Chapter 16: Roaring Spirit (Part 2)

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In the last chapter you started a fight with another member of the elite four, Jey is a black panther furry and he is ranked 2nd as his power as enough to actually push you to the edge of defeat but your resolve keeps you moving as the fight between you and Jey reaches it's end.
[Recap Ends]

We soon rushed at each other and clash our fists putting all the power we have behind every blow as our speed and power match. "Tell me what drives you to push yourself this far" Jey says as we push away from each other but I quickly rushed him with a knee to his face sending him flying but he used his claws to slow down. "I have someone waiting for me to get back so I have to win" I tell him as Jey smiled and rushed at me but I catch him and deliver a german suplex smashing his head into the ground but he quickly gets up and grabs my head followed by a knee to my face.

I stumble back but remain on my feet before doing a roundhouse kick knocking him back but I used this chance to run over deliver some fast punches followed by a high knee which lifted him off his feet however I wasn't done as I jump up deliver a spinning elbow causing him to slam into the ground. "Stay down" I tell him however he doesn't listen as he gets up with a smile on his face. "Come on show me your roaring spirit" Jey says as he rushed at me followed by a low kick to my legs making me jump to avoid but this leaves me open for him to grab me and slam my head into the ground before jumping up on to the ceiling but this was only to allow him jump off it and crashed into me with a knee.

"It seems you have finally lost but you fought well be proud of that fact" Jey says as he stand up over my battered body as blood runs down my face but as he was about to walk away he feels you grab hold of his leg making him look at me. "Not....done" I say in a very weak tone before he kicked me in the stomach sending me into a nearby wall which soon had my blood on it. "Can't you see that this fight is over your beaten accept defeat or I will kill you now stay down" Jey said as he watched me use the wall as support to reach my feet but my blood was dripping off me and on to the cold floor.

"As long as I'm breathing it never over" I tell him as I watched Jey rush at me with blinding speed however I could see it as if he was in slow motion so I catch it much to his surprise before kicking him in the gut. *What is this he should be weaker after all the punishment his body is going through so how can he still have this much power?* Jey thought as he looked at me and it almost looked like I was a different person but I know I need to finish this fight fast as my body is reaching the limit so I rushed in causing me even more pain however I push through and kick Jey into the air before grabbing some rope.

"THIS ENDS HERE" I shout as I jump up behind Jey and wrap the rope around him but I don't stop there as I take hold of him and spin in the air before crashing us both into the ground.

After the impact I bounce up into the air holding the rope which was still wrapped around Jey as I pull him up towards me only to hit him with a punch and kick at the same time sending him crashing into the ground again

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After the impact I bounce up into the air holding the rope which was still wrapped around Jey as I pull him up towards me only to hit him with a punch and kick at the same time sending him crashing into the ground again.

After the impact I bounce up into the air holding the rope which was still wrapped around Jey as I pull him up towards me only to hit him with a punch and kick at the same time sending him crashing into the ground again

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I soon fall on to the floor looking at Jey who was out cold but even though I wanted to move on my body just wouldn't move. "I need to move" I tell myself however I soon feel a sense of danger as two more furries shows up one was a snake and the other an owl but they didn't look as strong as Jey or Hazel. "Tell us human are you still alive" the snake furry asked as I could just about look at them which gave them their answer before the go to grab me but soon see Jey stop them.

"You both will not harm him he won our battle fair and square as such he will not be harmed" Jey told them however it seems they had other plan. "We are not planning to hurt actually lady Ryoko wishes to speak with him but she also asked for you and Hazel so follow us" the owl furry said as Jey picks me up since I was in no condition to move as he carries me to a room where I see Hazel waiting for us. "Well look at you never thought you would lose Jey" Hazel said as I was only able to listen.

"He is much stronger than I thought but we must not keep our lady waiting" Jey said as he carries me into the room soon followed by Hazel as they set me down on a chair in front of Ryoko as they both soon take a seat next to me. "Hazel, Jey I'm glad to see your ok and you must be the human that stormed our home brave of you" Ryoko said as I struggle to even breath as she pushed me a what looked like a cup of herbal tea. "Please drink I promise it's not poisoned I am simply wishing to talk" Ryoko says as I looked at it before deciding to trust her and have a sip of the tea it was horrible but it did seem to ease the pain a little as we prepare to talk.

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