Chapter 7: Journey To Truth

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A couple days after my little fight with Sam where I got my ass kicked I decided to do a little digging into Rachel's past because it still felt like I was only seeing part of a bigger picture so I returned to the lab and start looking through the videos and files but nothing seems to pop out as new to me.

"Seriously nothing but it still feels like something bigger is hidden from me but most of all hidden from Rachel" I tell myself before hearing someone entering the lab I look on the cameras but I saw nothing. I get up and walk around before I'm suddenly thrown into a wall as the sound of footsteps caught my ear so I get up and chase after the sound as I reach the last place where the sound had come from it suddenly vanished until I catch sight of a shadow on the ground but nothing was casting it so I rushed over and tackle something to the ground before getting kicked off as a furry appears.

"Hey don't you know it's rude to attack a lady" the female furry said as I see her trying to escape but I block her exit locking us in a stand off. "Ok your going to give me answers like who are you? and why your here?" I asked not allowing her to get away as she finally gives up. "My name is Trish as for why I'm here I'm a treasure hunter" Trish said as I ease up a little as we start talking and she tells me about her people seems they search the land for anything that could be used to help them surive but at the moment they are in need of medicine.

Trish's Look

"Ok lets go" I say which had Trish confused

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"Ok lets go" I say which had Trish confused. "What?" Trish questioned as I grab a bag which I also fill with some medical supplies which I told her are for her village and she was quick to take it but I decide to go with her in order to help in any way I can.

After walking even further up the mountain we soon arrive at her village and it was most impressive but it was also struggling as it's people could only just about live. "Is this how it normally is?" I asked as I could see Trish was not happy to see her village in such a state but even so she keeps helping. "This is the result of new and old ways the chief believes it's a sign from the gods that we don't belong on this world but I see this as us just not evolving enough to survive" Trish told me as we reach what I could only assume was the chief's hut who soon came out.

"Trish you have returned" the chief said as I could tell Trish was happy to see him before he welcomed me to their village and asked me inside where we could talk. "So tell me are you the human we have heard about lately" the chief said as I nod before explaining things to him mainly the parts about my experience since waking up in this world.

"I see you have had it tough but tell me do you wish humanity was still around" he asked as I really had to think about the question but in the end humanity had destroyed itself but I would also be lying if I said it wouldn't be nice to have other humans around. "I'm not really sure after all I've made some good friend in this world" I told him as I noticed a smile appear on his face. "I'm glad to hear that but tell me why did you follow Trish to us?" he asked as I pull out a photo of the mystery furry in Yoruichi's videos.

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