Chapter 12: A Love And A Lie

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As me and Rachel arrive at her house I was quick to go speak with her father alone as I didn't want Rachel to hear what I had to say at least not yet.

"I take it you have come because you have learned the truth" Robert says as I stand there unsure if I should tell him but I had to be sure. "Yes I did but I need to know why you kept it from Rachel even after she learned about her mother" I asked Robert before we sat down and he shows me a picture of Yoruichi before she had Rachel. "Back then Rachel's mother was a kind person and the day I learned she was going to have a child it made me happy for her because it means humans could live again but I also assume you know about Sam killing her" Robert tells me as I looked at the photo.

"So you knew and yet you never told her" I told him as I could see he was ashamed at his actions but I could also see he was proud because he had kept his promise to Yoruichi. "I did and it made me angry but he was still my son" Robery says as I hand him a photo Mason gave me and his eyes widen but relax as he takes hold of the photo.

"Rachel is not just some girl you took in because of some promise you took her in because the truth is she is your daughter and I don't mean by name I mean by blood as your her biological father am I right" I tell him and I could see a smile appear on his face as he looked at the photo of him as a younger man standing with Yoruichi. "You are correct I am Rachel's actual father back then I was married to my wife and we had already had Sam but one day we met Yoruichi and she changed our lives in secret" Robert told me and I was beginning to understand what had gone on. "You had an affair" I told him but he shakes his head but also agrees with my statement.

"I did have an affair that is true but to say we had not fallen in love would be lying but Yoruichi couldn't bare the thought of harming my relationship with my wife so we lied to her claiming Mason was Rachel father" Robert tells me as I see him cry a little. "You loved her enough to keep up the lie even now but don't you think it's time to stop lying" I told him as I could see he wanted to tell the truth but the fear he had was strong but our talk was soon interrupted by Rachel's mother walking in.

"Dear I think it's time to accepted the truth about everything after all Rachel is your daughter so please tell her the truth" Jolyne said as I stay silent as Rachel soon walked in with a look of shock on her face as I stand up and walk over to her side. "You knew but when?" Robert asked as Jolyne sat by his side and holds his hand. "I had a suspicion and confronted Yoruichi where she admitted to the affair but also told me that even though you had this affair you chose not to damage our relationship any further so I decided to play along in your lie until you were ready to tell me the truth" Jolyne told him as he begins to cry in her arms before I nudge Rachel closer and she understood and goes to hold her father like a true family and it made me smile.

*Finally they have the truth and now I can relax* I thought to myself as I relax my body but I soon got a pulsating pain in my chest which making me kneel to the ground while coughing up blood which made Rachel and her parents rush over to me. "F/N WHAT'S WRONG?" Rachel asked but I couldn't answer as I finally pass out on the floor unsure of what is going on I fall into a pitch black void.

In Your Mind

I stand up and look around but all I see is darkness on every side before I see a figure walking towards me but he only thing that I could see was bright red eyes. "What are you?" I asked as it continues to step closer and closer to me. "I'm not important the question should be will you be ready for the day I come for you or will you die" The mystery voice says as I suddenly feel unable to move like I was frozen in fear before I see what looked like a claw rise before swinging across my neck slattering my blood on the floor.

Back In Reality

"AHHHH!" I scream as I shot up in a bed which was not mine before seeing Rachel rush into the room looking worried before seeing me and runs over crying it after I passed out they had a family doctor come and check me over and discovered the cause was the blood Rachel had given me but I was fine after a couple minutes because it seems my body was adjusting to the sudden change my body had gone through at Ryózanpaku. "F/n are you sure you don't want to stay in bed a little longer you could have died" Rachel said but strangely I felt fine actually I felt better than before my speed was higher, strength to but most of all I could hear and smell things better than I could before.

"I'm fine besides I would rather spend some time with you" I told her as we kiss before walk downstairs and as we enter the kitchen I see Jolyne was slip while carrying a pot of tea so I jump over the hand rail and rushed over catching her and also catch the pot of tea. "That was really close are you alright" I asked and I could see the shocked looks on their faces at my new abilities but I was just glad Rachel's mother wasn't hurt as I lift her back to her feet and carry the pot of tea for her before me and Rachel head out for a date.

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