Chapter 6: Family Feud

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Me and Rachel had left the lab but we both agree to keep this information secret at least for now as we didn't want to cause a panic about this new information but I request to at least tell her parents since they have a right to know and she agreed as long as I'm with her.

As we arrive at her house I could tell she was nervous about this but I simply take hold of her hand before walking inside where we see her parents sitting in the living room. "Mom, dad I need to tell you something" Rachel told them as we sat on the opposite side of them before she begins telling them about what we found out but most importantly about her being half human and half furry while this should be shocking they seem fine. "Honey I believe it's time we tell you the truth we actually knew for a long time because your mother was our good friend and she asked us to take you in since she was at the end of her life" Rachel's mother said as I could see the shock on Rachel's face at this new truth.

"How could you keep this from her?" I say with my voice full of anger but even so her parents didn't seem angry at my tone as her father speaks. "F/n it was not our intention to hide this truth it was a request of her mother" Rachel's father said as I sat back down still angry at the fact they hide the truth but I understood their reason.

We sat there for a couple minutes until the door opens and someone enters. "So the human trash is in our home you really should throw it out dear father" the mystery person says as I looked at him annoyed that he called me trash when we have only just met. "Hey don't call me trash when we have only just met" I tell him but he soon vanished and I'm soon sent flying into a wall as it turned out he kicked me in the gut.

"You should remember your place human your kinds time came to an end long ago so how about you die and let the much greater race live in this world" he says as I start getting up as Rachel helps me up. "What is wrong with you Sam?" Rachel said as Sam just smiled at her before turning to walk away but he quickly turns and rushed at me and sends me crashing through a window with a strong knee making me land in the street as he jumps out in front of me.

Sam's Look

"Come on get up if you can little human" Sam said as I wipe my mouth and see he had drew blood as I stand up I could see Rachel running out the door but I have her stay back as I keep my eyes on Sam who got in a fighting stance

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"Come on get up if you can little human" Sam said as I wipe my mouth and see he had drew blood as I stand up I could see Rachel running out the door but I have her stay back as I keep my eyes on Sam who got in a fighting stance. *I need to watch him carefully or the next hit might just kill me* I thought as I prepare for his attack which soon came as he rushed in with a jab but I step to the right and avoid his strike but I didn't stop there as I also deliver a right hook knock him back.

"Not bad for a human but I'm much tougher than I look here let me show you" Sam told me as he jabs again but I dodge it once again but when I go for my right hook he quickly turns his punch into high kick which sends me flying into a wall. As I hit the wall Sam was quickly on the attack as he continue's delivering a barrage of jabs keeping me pinned to the wall before delivering a spinning back kick making me spit out blood while falling to the ground however Sam grabs me by the head slammed me into the ground cracking the pavement. "SAM STOP IT" Rachel shouts as Sam smiled before letting go but he did kick me over to her but at this point I was beat and bleeding as I feel a tear fall on my cheek as he started to walk away.

"Get ba....back here" I say in a weak tone as Rachel saw me stand up with every last amount of my strength but Sam only stops and doesn't even look at me. "Your nothing but trash and to be honest it would be pointless to fight you when I have already won" Sam told me but as I step forward I suddenly cough up blood which made me fall to the ground again but this time Rachel caught me.

Sam walked away as Rachel and her family take me inside to take care of my wounds but all I could feel was pain as I slowly slip unconscious but not before seeing the worried look on Rachel's face. After a couple hours I wake up and see that I'm laying in a bed before getting up but I grab my stomach only to find it bandaged up as I soon hear the door open as Rachel's father enters the room. "Ah good your awake tell me how are you feeling?" Rachel's father asked as he hands me my top which I could tell had been washed since it was covered with blood and dust.

"I've felt better but what was with that guy" I said as I start walking with Rachel's father as he explains. "Sam is my son however he joined a group of terrorists naturally I tried to convice him to leave them but he refused so he cut ties with us" Rachel's father told me as we walk into the living room where we sit down as we talk.

"Tell me what do you think of my daughter or maybe I should say Yoruichi's daughter since you know the truth" Rachel's father says as I just sit back and wonder how I should answer that but I soon get the answer. "I think she is amazing however while she might not be your official daughter you still raised her so in my eyes that makes you her father so please don't let her lose another parent" I say as I noticed the smile on his face before somone walks in and I look to see Rachel who quickly jumps me and while it did hurt I was happy to see her not long after that Rachel's father gave me a lift home but as I step out of the car he gave me one last thing to think about. "F/n should the time come please come to me for answers because there is a much deeper secret that I feel needs to be told but for now get some rest" Rachel's father tells me before driving off and it made me wonder what else could be hidden from me or maybe hidden from Rachel.

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