Chapter 4: Meet The Parents

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It's been two weeks since the bet night with Alexa and her friends but during these two weeks I have been seeing Rachel and we have now become great friends but she asked me to come over so I could meet her parents this made me nervous but I agree to do it.

To You

"Lets see Rachel said to meet her here" I tell myself before I feel a tap on my shoulder but when I look no one is there but once I turn round I soon see Rachel in front of me and it makes me jump. "Got you so ready to go" Rachel said as I nod and we start walking to her house however I couldn't shake my nervousness as we arrive at her house.

Rachel's House

"You live here?" I asked as Rachel nods leaving me jaw dropped but I soon snap out of it and head inside where I see her take me on a tour of the house before we meet her parents I just couldn't believe she lived in such a big house

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"You live here?" I asked as Rachel nods leaving me jaw dropped but I soon snap out of it and head inside where I see her take me on a tour of the house before we meet her parents I just couldn't believe she lived in such a big house. "So what do you think?" Rachel asked me as I just tell her it's nice very fancy and after that she takes me to the lounge where we sit and talk until the sound of car pulling up caught our ears.

The door to the house soon opens and it was Rachel's parents but they were different to Rachel they were completely different to her. "Mom, dad I would like you to meet a friend of mine this is F/n" Rachel says as I walk over shake their hands. "It's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Rockwell" I say as the smile and we all soon head back into the lounge to chat a little.

"So your the human we have heard about let me just say welcome to our world my name is Robert Rockwell and this is my lovely wife Jolyne Rockwell" Robert was a nice person and so was his wife they made me feel welcome even though they only just met me.

Robert's Look

Jolyne's Look

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Jolyne's Look

"I'm glad to meet you but if I might ask a question and I hope this isn't rude but Rachel doesn't look like you" I asked hoping it didn't come across as rude

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"I'm glad to meet you but if I might ask a question and I hope this isn't rude but Rachel doesn't look like you" I asked hoping it didn't come across as rude. "No that's ok the truth is Rachel is adopted my wife and I couldn't have children of our own so when we found her we did ask her where her parents were but all she said was they are gone and since then we took her in" Robert tells me as I looked at Rachel and could see this was a tough subject.

"Thank you for answering my rude question sir but might we now drop it as to not cause Rachel any more trouble" I said as her parents smile and agree to drop the subject there and we continue having a good time talking and before long it had become time for me to head home. "Well I best be going it was a pleasure meeting you both" I say as Rachel shows me to the door but we step outside I look back at Rachel and wish her a good night but I was soon caught off guard when she kissed me before running back inside.

After that I walk back to Alexa's but as soon as I get through the door I grab my heart which was beating extremely loud making me panic. "What is this?" I asked myself before Alexa peeks her head out of the kitchen and sees me but when I explain what was going on all she could do was chuckle with a smile. "Your in love F/n" Alexa said as I thought about it and she was right I didn't know when or why but Rachel was stuck on my mind but after I calmed down we both head to our rooms for some relaxing sleep however my night was any thing but relaxing.

Your Dream

I wake up in Alexa's house but what was strange was that it was quiet so I check Alexa's room and she was gone so I head down stairs but she wasn't there either but suddenly the front door opened and I see Rachel however she was nude and white smoke coming from behind her. "Oh F/n why don't we spend a little time together" Rachel walks towards me seductively and all I could do was gulp before I noticed my clothes were gone.

"R....Rachel don't thi....think this is a li....little sudden" I say as I feel her grab my cock with her soft yet firm hand making me moan in pleasure. "Oh your ready to go lets not waste time big boy lets become one" Rachel tells me as I see her lick her lips before slowly sliding down me and on to her knees as I see her move closer and closer to my cock.

Outside Of Your Dream

"AHHHHHH!" I scream as I shoot up from my sleep and see that it was just a dreama very erotic dream but that doesn't stop my body from having a normal reaction however I soon fall out of my bed when Alexa came bursting through the door. "F/n are you alright I heard you scream" Alexa asked as I groan because this night which was relaxing at first now became one of stress. "I'm fine just a strange dream and I don't really want to talk about it" I tell her but from the look on her face I could tell she knew but lucky for me she leaves allowing me to get back to bed only this time my dream was not erotic which allowed me to get some sleep.

I still couldn't believe my mind actually gave me a dream like that but I once I had it I couldn't forget it but I wouldn't say it was a bad thing actually it at least show I'm able to think of someone in that way the only question now is what will happen if we actually take that big step is it even possible for us to have a child.

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