Chapter 13: Beginning Of War

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After the truth about Rachel's parent was revealed life started to return to a litt normal as me and Rachel started to show our relationship to the public and things had started to improve but this was the calm before the storm.

To You

I had started working for Rachel's fathers company as a game designer but so far I was having trouble coming up with an idea for a new game so I take a walk to try and come up with an idea. "It needs to be something new lets see fighting games are popular but they have so many maybe an adventure game with an endless open world that could be cool" I keep telling myself as I pass someone in the street and get a strange smell from them but I shake it off and keep walking but before long I catch the sound of explosion only to look back to see people in trouble.

"Quick someone call for help" I tell them as I rush over and start getting the furries out of their cars only to get pulled away by a man in a mask but I use my new agility to land on my feet.

The mask

"What the hell are you doing we need to help them" I say but the person in front of me just rushed at me making me block a powerful punch which sends me into a building

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"What the hell are you doing we need to help them" I say but the person in front of me just rushed at me making me block a powerful punch which sends me into a building. "All the impure will be removed and only the true blooded will remain so die human in the name of The Red Claw" it says but I punch out of the rubble and stand up as I reveal my new form which had also learn to control a little better.

"Quit the crap and help them" I told the person in front of me but they refused to help so I rushed them and begin to force past them with a barrage of punches however they continue to block but I have the advantage because of my smaller size. I switched into an uppercut landing a hit as the person stumbles back allowing me to run over and help the people out but as I was helping a family out of their car it got back up and throws me away. "The will of our leader is absolute and you will not get in his way" they say as I got up and try to tackle it to the ground but it was far too heavy however I refuse to let that stop me so I switch up my plans and start going for a toss which I managed to perform with a lot of effort.

After I help the family out of their car I turn to the person on the floor and I walk over to them before grabbing them by the collar. "Ok who is your leader?" I asked but the person refused to answer but I had no way of making them answer as the police arrive and take them into custody. After that things started to become worse as the days go by it was started to look like the world had gone to war in the end I decided to have Alexa move in to Rachel's house until this blows over but I couldn't help but wonder why The Red Claw would want to destroy their own kind as I was lost in thought Rachel came over and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Everything will be ok" Rachel told me as I continue to look out the window at the chaos outside and all I could feel was anger. "I know but still why does this feel like it's my fault ever since I woke up in this time your world has only gone to hell" I tell her but I soon feel her hold me tight making me look back at her and I could tell she was crying. "Your not to blame so please don't talk like that" Rachel says as I turn around and hold her in my arms but I soon caught the sound of something heading towards the window so I grab Rachel and jump away as the window explodes.

"Come on out impure scum we know your in there" The Red Claw member said as I looked at Rachel after transforming and start walking towards the hole. "I'll be back just stay safe" I tell her as I jump out and infront of the large group who had guns pointed at me but with the mood I'm in I couldn't careless what they had.

"You fuckers have some nerve to attack us here and that was a stupid move now you'll learn the price of that action" I told them as they begin shooting however using my new speed and agility I'm able to avoid them with ease before taking them out one by one as I leave one conscious before picking him up. "Now tell me where I can find your boss" I say as he looked at me unwilling to spill the location but I was not asking as I grab a gun and shove it in his mouth which made him truely afraid. "Location or you die" I tell him as I slowly begin to press the trigger and he soon cracked telling me everything it turns out the big boss was a female lizard furry named Ryoko Kujo and it seems the base is just outside of town on the west side after I got that I let him go and walk back inside to check on everyone.

"Everyone ok" I asked as Rachel and the others come out unharmed. "Yeah we are but what now" Alexa said as I gave her a smile before getting serious again. "I'm going to end this stupid war because I know where they are hiding which means they better watch out as I'm super pissed" I say as I start walking away but Rachel reached for me but I couldn't allow her to stop me as I pull away but I do stop and speak.

"I will come back Rachel you have my word so wait for me" I tell her as I resume my walk out but I knew things were coming to an end but I refuse to let The Red Claw destroy the lives of the people in this world.

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