Chapter 18: Era Of Change (Part 1)

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After finding Tony's hideout me, Hazel, Ryoko and Jey all stormed the lab only to discover a hundred human all in cryo pods as Tony shows up and tells us te truth behind the furries evolution.

"Is this a joke because if so it's not funny" Hazel says as Tony jumps down to us. "Oh trust me what I just told you is very much the truth I even tested my theory on my own body so tell me how do you feel about this new truth" Tony said looking proud of his little discovery as I keep my guard up. "Tony you still have a chance to stop this" Ryoko says as Tony noticed her wings and smiled.

"Now your a rare specimen lady Ryoko an evolution and a devolution all in the same body I must examine you" Tony say as Hazel and Jey stand between him and Ryoko as I stand in front of them. "So you all wish to stand in my way such a shame but tell human how does it feel to be alone because it will not change" Tony said before he pressed a button which switched the pods red causing everyone to look around.

"What have you done?" I asked as the pods seem to be heating up. "Oh I'm just keeping the last human as the last human" Tony said as I get Hazel, Jey and Ryoko to start saving them as I rushed at Tony who was quick to catch me before throwing me into a wall.

"Why are you trying to kill the last of humanity?" I asked as Tony walked over to me and grabs me by the hair so I I could look at him. "Simple humanity has caused us all nothing but pain Jey was rejected all because he accidentally killed his opponent, Hazel lost everything and Ryoko has been treated like a monster all because she looks different so by destroying the last of humanity I will bring change to this broken world" Tony told me before he picks me up and throws me towards Ryoko and he others. "Look around lady Ryoko this is true change and only through this can we actually hope make a difference" Tony said as I struggle to stand as Hazel and Jey help me to my feet.

"This is nothing but a thirst for blood Tony this is not what The Red Claw is looking to achieve we lost Sam through his blind need for destruction don't let us lose you too" Ryoko said as Tony looked at her unhappy to see her showing compassion. "You have let me down lady Ryoko and after I made Sam the perfect soldier for you" Tony said as this made me and Ryoko look at Tony with a surprised look on our faces.

"What did you do?" Ryoko asked as Tony only looked at the humans which had been saved from dying as he gave a slight smile. "Sam was such a kind person and that made him not worthy to be a member of our group so I promised him the power to defeat any threat to you lady Ryoko and he took it like fish to water but I made him less kind and more destructive because we needed a warrior" Tony said as I feel my whole world shatter I had believe Sam was a bastard but all the stuff that happened to Rachel's family was his fault and my anger was reaching it's limit as he walks over to the humans who were too scared to move as he reached for them.

"Now lets continue the destruction of these worthless humans" Tony said and just hearing those words makes me transform before rushing at him with insane speed ignoring the pain as I deliver a strong kick to his face which bashed him through a wall into the outside as I stand there looking at the hole. "What is going on?" a random human asked as I have Ryoko and the others explain everything as I start walking through the hole as Tony was laughing as he lays on the ground. "Never thought you had that much power for someone who was pushed to his limit not to long ago" Tony says however I just stamp on his head pushing it into the dirt.

"You will pay for what you have done to her family" I tell him as I get off him only to pick him up and punch him so hard I break his chest bone before his back crashed into a tree damaging his spine. "What an interest person I have in front of me but do you really believe killing me will change this worlds fate" Tony says as Ryoko, Hazel, Jey and the humans all step out and hear his words.

"Tony what have you done?" Hazel asked as Tony smiled before looking at me. "I've set five bombs which will release a powerful toxin into the air which will destroy all human dna while leaving are evolved dna but please do try to stop it because I know you will fail see you in hell human" Tony said before he twists his own neck and snaps it killing himself but I just get running followed by Ryoko as Jey and Hazel had to escort the humans to a safe location so I tell them to take them to Ryózanpaku as I had to stop those bombs. "RYOKO ONCE WE GET TO THE CITY YOU SEARCH THE SKIES AND I'LL SEARCH THE GROUND OK" I shout as we are moving fast me most of all but she nods as we begin our search but we also inform the police of the bombs and they being a search for them as well.

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