Chapter 10: The Beast Within (Part 2)

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After your rematch with Sam Mason quickly fetched Rachel since she had human dna ut even then the chance of survival was low as the leave you and Rachel alone so you could rest after the transfusion.

"Akasame what is his chances?" Mason asked as the stand outside your room. "To be honest it's a 50-50 right now he's lost and needs to be shown the way back home" Akasame said as Mason looked at your door and wonders if the bond between you and Rachel was enough to show you the way back.

Inside Your Room

Rachel was sat next to you while holding your hand and all she could do was look at you with tears in her eyes as she remembers how you looked hen Mason brought her to the dojo to help you. "Please don't die please" Rachel says as a tear falls on your cheek before it ran down your face.

Hours past as Rachel remains by your side Mason would always bring her food so she didn't need to leave your side however she begins to feel sleepy before closing her eyes for a moment but soon after Rachel's eyes shot open when something smashed which made her look outside only to see Sam but Mason stands in his way. "Out of my way old man" Sam says as Mason just stands there ready to fight but Sam was not interested as he throws a ball to the ground which blinds Mason allowing him to drive his head into the ground before he sees Rachel peeking out of the room.

"Well look at who it is my dear sister which means he's in that room" Sam says as he walks towards her and forced the door open but this time Rachel was standing in his way but even that wasn't enough slow him down as he walked towards her and slaps her out of the way before reaching for you but Rachel jumps on his back and pulls him away. "GET OFF ME YOU BITCH" Sam shouts as he flipped her over his head and into the floor but he decides to punish her for the sneak attack as he kicks her in the stomach repeatedly.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING IN MY WAY DOES IT FILL YOU WITH PLEASURE OR DO YOU LIKE PISSING ME OF YOU FREAK OF NATURE" Sam shouted as he soon stops and picks her up by her hair before slapping her again and picks her up again. "You don't deserve this life someone like you isn't natural so do this world a favour and die" Sam says as Rachel cries at his words but soon the memories you and her made as she remembers how happy she was but also how much you were suffering. "Say what you like about me maybe I am unnatural but I'm proud of who I am and do you know why it's because of F/n when I met him it was like someone finally understood me which is why I refuse to let you hurt him anymore" Rachel said as Sam smiled before he takes out his claws and jabs them in her side making her scream in pain.

"I'm so happy to hear that because now I can break you first I'll kill the human nice and slow best part about it you'll get to see him die" Sam says as he pulls his claws out of Rachel and licks them enjoying the taste of her blood with a smile. Rachel was in tears at the thought of seeing you die but she also knew she was too weak to help but she wasn't going to give in as she scratched his face making him scream out in pain.

"YOU BITCH FOR THAT YOUR DEAD" Sam screams as he pulls back his arm and thrusts it toward her but it stops an inch away from her face before Sam is sent flying by the person next to him but they also caught Rachel as she looks and sees who saved her. "F/n" Rachel says as you hold her in your arms but she also noticed that you had changed you were much taller and you had some fur but most noticable your eyes had become bright blue.

Your New Look

Remember you have blue eyes

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Remember you have blue eyes.

"I'm sorry" I say in a slightly lower tone as Rachel reached up and kissed my cheek before I set her down. Sam gets up and walks outside and sees your transformation but he doesn't care but he wasn't the only one as the masters also see and are confused as the soon see Sam rush you but you stand there and block him with ease shocking everyone before finally punching him but your strength was also different as you were now a lot stronger as he is sent flying into a wall.

"What is going on how does he suddenly have such power?" Kensei asked everyone could only see the suddenly large gap between you and Sam become nothing but you looked at your hands almost like you were adjusting before Sam stands up. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID BUT NOW I'M MAD" Sam suddenly rushed at me again but like before I blocked him only this time I picked him up and slam him into the ground making him cough in pain before I stand over him. "I will make you pay for hurting Rachel" I tell him as he looked at me with fear in his eyes as I stand over him like I had already won a fight.

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