Chapter 11: The Beast Within (Part 3)

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You had a fight with Sam which resulted in you being injuried however after a blood transfusion from Rachel you took on a whole new form which you soon discovered had increased your human abilities but now the battle between you and Sam was about to come to an end.
[Recap Ends]

Sam gets back to his feet and we both stand at the ready for a single move would begin our final battle I step closer as Sam does the same until we wer both in the others strike range which resulted in an explosive clash.

I block a punch with my elbow which I follow up with a kick but Sam counter me by lifting his knee to absorb the impact. "I have to admit you got lucky but I have the understanding of your abilities meaning this fight is now even" Sam said as I flip my kick into an uppercut but he backflips making me miss but was quick to get back on the attack as I begin firing off jabs forcing Sam to be backed against a wall while I continue my assult. "Come on Sam is this all you have because it's pathetic" I tell him as I switch to a barrage of kicks which breaks his guard allowing me to follow up with a strong knee which knocks him inside.

I was about to go in after him but Sam jumps out holding a sword as I avoid his swings however I counter one of his swings by knocking it out of his hand and into the air where we both trade blows as it spins above us. "I WILL NOT ALLOW SOME DISGUSTING HUMAN TO DESTROY THE WORLD MY KIND HAS BUILT" Sam shouts as he kicked me away before jumping up into the air and grabs the sword and prepare to swing before I see Shigure throw me her sword which I was quick to unsheathe and block his attack as the impact cracks the ground beneath my feet.

I shove him off allowing me a little distance before going on the attack as steel meets steel causing sparks to fly with both of us unwilling to surrender however something was different as I could almost see the path his blade was going to take allowing me to block with ease as I blocked it became clear he hadn't let his body heal but then again I was no different as I feel out of breath. "You can't keep this up Sam just give up" I tell him and this only pissed him off as I feel him speed up his attacks. "I'LL NEVER GIVE UP BECAUSE WHAT I'M DOING IS FOR THE GOOD OF MY RACE AND THAT IS WHY I WILL KILL ALL THOSE WITH HUMAN BLOOD LIKE YOU AND EVEN MY OWN SISTER" Sam shouted as I feel the rage inside me burst free of my control and it makes my swing strong enough to push Sam back before I rushed towards him and now have him on the defensive.

"WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO TAKE HER LIFE SHE DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS SO DON'T THREATEN HER" I shout as I finally break Sam's sword slicing down his chest however Sam refused to surrender and shoves the broken blade into my side forcing me to jump back but he was quick to attack again. Sam swings his broken blade however I block with ease but even then he continues to attack by delivering a powerful elbow to my face but I counter ith a back hand as we both fall to the ground exhausted.

"Humans must die to protect our future" Sam says as he struggles to stand but does as I am in the same condition but I remember what Shigure taught me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes and allow my other senses to become heightened allowing all things to be blocked out of my mind as Sam takes a step towards me I wait until the moment he was with in range and stike with a downwards slash across his chest. "Rachel forgive me but I can't allow him to win" I say as Sam's wound bursts and I see him fall to the ground but as I watch him die I could see a smile on his face.

"I....lost but that's.....ok was a fun battle" Sam says as I stab through his next so he doesn't suffer but after I let go of my sword I feel my exhaustion hit all at once and fall back however Rachel catched me and once I allow my body to rest it changed back to normal however my eyes remain bright blue. After I regained consciousness I get caught up to speed on what had happened after I past out Rachel remained by my side as the masters buried Sam I looked at Rachel and she told me it was ok but I couldn't help but feel bad about taking the life of a member of her family but I had another person to speak to Rachel's father about the truth.

"Your really should rest" Kensei said as I looked at him since I was heading home with Rachel to finally reach the end of my search for the truth. "I am greatful for all you have done for me but I think it's time for me to head back and finish the journey" I tell them as I see Mason step forward. "Follow what you think is right just know that your no longer a normal human which means your life will be more difficult" Mason told me but I could only smile as I take hold of Rachel's hand.

"As long as I have Rachel by my side I think I'll be fine" I reply as Mason smiled at my words and wished us luck in both life and our future. As we were walking I couldn't help but look at my hand and wonder if that form is something I can control but I plan to learn more about myself after all I need to protect those close to me and the person closest to me right now is also the woman I love her name is Rachel.

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