On the run

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The rain was splattering all around me, dulling my senses. I clutched my side. Damnit I thought. Too much..blood. My vision was getting blurry, no one around the streets due to the rain, no one to call to help for. I need to keep running..I can't let them..get it..... I thought as I dropped to my knees. I was freezing. I told my self it was from the rain, trying to ignore the amount of blood I had lost.
I heard voices shouting behind me and ducked behind a barrel next to me. Footsteps slapped in the rain as the guards ran past me. Phew... ok.. I thought as I went to stand up, but my legs failed me and I fell to my side. The pain was excruciating..I've never felt anything like it. It felt so hot. My vision was getting worse and I couldn't think clearly. Then, out of no where, I hear a voice.
"Miss?" It was male.. coming from right next to me. I looked up but I couldn't see clearly. I could only focus on his eyes..a deep beautiful red. "Let me help you." He said as I felt a pressure on my shoulder and waist as he picked me up. I instinctively counter balanced the sudden change and panicked a little, feeling very out of it.
"Hey woah, it's ok... I got you" he said in the calmest most soothing voice I've ever heard, and in that instance I felt all my energy leaving. I'm..safe.....was the final thought i had before dropping my head into the boy carrying me, and losing all senses.

I awoke to the sound of...waves? I opened my eyes and look around, in a room made of wood, the sky a beautiful blue, not a cloud in sight.
"Hello" a familiar voice said. Startling me I jolt up, and then I feel a searing pain in my side.
"Agh!" I cried out.
"Woah woah! Hey it's alright. Don't sit up you're still wounded." I look up to see a boy kneeling beside me. One look into his eyes and a wave of calm washed over me, almost in sync with the waves I could hear.
Waves? Why are there waves? I look to my left and I can now make out..the ocean? Before I could fully question where I was the boy speaks again.
"My name is Kaedehara Kazuha..I found you the other night. Do you remember?". That voice...I felt like I could entrust me whole life to him. He felt..safe.
"I.." I paused. I again became aware of the pain at my side. "I was running. The vision hunt decree- wait did you say the other night? What time is it? Where am I??"
Kazuha gave a soft laugh, "You are on the a ship called the Alcor. I found you covered in blood in the rain. You looked pretty bad..so pale. I could tell you were in no state to walk so I carried you here. I..hope that's ok." A boat? Why am I on a boat? As if he could read my mind he spoke again.
"This is the ship of captain Beidou, she agreed to let you stay here. How are you feeling?" He asked as he raised his hand to my head and felt my forehead. A frown came over him.
"You still have a fever.. let me get you some water, you lost a lot of blood and you need to drink."
He was right, I felt incredibly weak and tired. I looked down to see I'm wearing a light blue kimono. Hmm..soft..I thought as I clutched the fabric. WAIT these aren't my clothes?! Kazuha came over with a cup and pitcher. He must've notice my expression and let out another soft laugh.
"You needn't worry, Beidou was the one who changed you. Your clothes are getting cleaned, they were soaked in blood. Your vision is right here." He handed it to me. Ive never been so releaved to see my vision before. "Electro.."He said, a hint of sadness in his voice. He then poured water into a cup and handed it to me. It felt strangely heavy.
"Do you..lack the strength? Here.." he said as he took the cup from my hands. He put his hand behind my head and then he brought the cup to my lips. It was like I hadn't had water in years and I gulped it down fiercely. I probably drank a little too fast cuz it went down the wrong tube and I instantly started coughing forcefully.
"Hey! Slow down!" He said as he pat my back. I felt silly, like a little kid being taken care of...
"Sorry.." I said as I got my breath back.
"There's no need to apologize, I'm here to help..just..slow down." He said and we both chuckled a little. "I don't know your name"
"Y/n" I said. "Thank you..for helping me, or rather saving me."
"Of course. I too have suffered at the hands of the vision hunt decree, and I couldn't just leave a pretty girl to die."
I felt my face get hot. pretty..girl? I looked at him in surprise.
"Oh..your face is red again, nasty fever. I'll get Beidou to take a look at your wound." He stood up. "I'll get more water as well." I watched as he walked out and suddenly felt like I was being pulled down to the pillow. So...tired... and I fell asleep.

Authors note
Hi! This is my first fanfic I've ever written but I do enjoy creative writing so I hope this story turns out ok! I wrote this for a friend of mine who loves Kazuha:)
Please let me know if there are any spelling errors I've made lol. Also I should probably give a slight spoiler warning for the Inazuma archon quest.
Enjoy the story!

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