Let the tournament begin!

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I woke up feeling unusually warm. It was still night time and I could still see the stars out the window. I turned to my other side and froze.
Kazuha?! I felt my face get hot and my heart started pounding. What..why is he asleep next to me?! I looked at his face..and his cheeks were tear stained. I suddenly remembered our conversation last night and my heart felt heavy. He's suffered so much.. I put my hand on his cheek. He's so beautiful..even when he's sleeping.
He looks even more peaceful somehow. I think that putting my hand on his face was a mistake because he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. I retracted my hand immediately but he smiled softly.
"Hey.." he said in a groggy voice.
"O-oh uh..K-kazuha!" I said flustered. His eyes widened and he quickly sat up.
"Y/n! My apologies, you were sleeping so soundly I didn't want to wake you up so..I.." his voice trailed off as he went to stand up. "I'll leave-." He started but I grabbed his hand.
"Wait!" I said. He stopped. "You..can stay..." I said quietly, my heart pounding. He slowly sat back down.
"You..want me to stay?" He asked.
"Oh..uh well you can go i-its ok. I just thought-." And before I could finish he leaned in and kissed me. Hmmm?!! My mind started racing. He's..kissing me? But..
He stopped kissing me and moved his face back. He looked bright red and his eyes widened as if he just realized what had happened as well.
"Oh I'm-I'm sor-." And before I know it I found my self kissing him this time. I don't know why, but it felt right. More right than anything in my life. We both relaxed and he put his hand on my face. He was warm..I ran my fingers through his hair and he took his pony tail out. We continued for a while longer. We both broke the kiss and looked at each other. I put my hand on his cheek and he put his hand on it and held it.
"You have beautiful eyes..." he said. I laughed.
"My eyes? Yours are stunning." I said. He seemed surprised at the compliment. I kissed him again, and we both lied back down as he put his arms around me.
"You're..sure you want me to stay..?" He asked. I buried my face into his chest. "Mhm." I said muffled. He let out a soft laugh, put his hand on my head and we both fell asleep.

It was a week later and the day of the Crux Clash. Beidou agreed to let me come along as long as I promised to be careful. "You're still healing y/n." She said. I was delighted to come along because Kazuha was going too. Since when am I a giddy love sick girl? I was worried that things would be awkward between us since that night but he's so easy going that I was put at ease.
When we got there there was many people there. "These are all competitors?" I asked looking at Beidou.
"Yep! Wow this is great!" She exclaimed. "All thanks to you Kazuha!" She put her hand on his head and ruffled his hair a little. Kazuha just looked down and smiled.
"Glad I could help".
Suddenly someone approached us, and accompanying them was...a talking seelie? No..a person! A small person was floating next to the stranger!
"Ah Traveler!" Beidou said with a big smile on her face. "Glad you could make it!"
"Us too!" The traveler said.
"Hi Kazuha!" The floating child said.
"Hello Paimon, Traveler." Kazuha said. "This is y/n" He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Hello." I said shyly. Meeting new people was never my strength, but they seemed friendly. Also..the Traveler had a impressive aura to them. Do they really not have a vision?
"Nice to meet ya!" Paimon exclaimed. "Beidou, where do we sign up?"
"Follow me!" Beidou said and we all followed. "Right here" she said as we approached a table with a young woman behind it.
"Hello!" The woman said. "Here to sign up?" She asked looking at the traveler.
"Yep!" Said Paimon. The traveler signed their name and headed over to where the other competitors were. Kazuha, Beidou, and I went to the side lines and watched as the tournament began.

Authors note
Hi! I hope that if you got this far it means you like the story, thanks for reading! I'm a big sucker for fluff so this story will contain a lot of that hehe.
I'm trying to convey how soft and warm hearted Kazuha since that's what I love about him so I hope I'm conveying that ok! Please let me know if anything needs work or if there are any spelling/grammar errors.
Enjoy the rest of the story!

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