The tournament continues!

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The tournament was extremely exciting to watch. "So many skilled fighters!" I exclaimed
Beidou beamed a proud smile. "Hey there's our Traveler!" she said pointing to the arena.
I watched as they walked to the center of the arena and drew their sword, ready to face their opponent. I found my self holding my breath in anticipation.
The man they were fighting moved first, swinging their spear. The traveler quickly dodged and struck the mans leg bringing him down to one knee. They went in for another strike but the man blocked it with his spear and sent the traveler back. He then spun around swinging the spear around him forcing the traveler back even more.
"Oh no!" I said. As the traveler was almost out of the arena bounds they swiftly duck and roll to the ground. They pop up behind the man and strike the man's back with the hilt of their sword, bringing him to his knees. The Traveler kicked the man's spear away and held their blade to the man's throat, making is obvious that they had won. Everyone cheered and the Traveler helped the man up and they shook hands.
"Wow!" I said. "The Traveler is so strong!"Kazuha nodded in agreement.

As the tournament continued many skilled fighters fought their best. They're all so skilled I thought.
Suddenly, out of no where, an arrow came flying toward me. Before I had time to react Kazuha lept in front of me and blocked the arrow with his sword.
"My bad!" A young man from the arena yelled as he scratched the back of his head. Kazuha shot him a disappointed frown.
"Are you alright?" Kazuha said turning to me.
"O-oh I'm ok! Thanks to you" I smiled. His face softened and he turned around standing slightly in front of me. Is he trying to protect me..? I grabbed his hand. He looked surprised. "Oh um sorry." I said as I went to let go, but he just held my hand tight and smiled. I blushed.

At last, the final round was upon us. "Traveler made it!" I said excitement bubbling in my chest.
"So it would seem!" Kazuha said. A massive man approached the other side of the arena. That's who the traveler is fighting?! He's huge!
The massive man drew his sword, it was almost as long as the raveler was tall. I unconsciously squeezed Kazuhas hand in nervousness. He squeezed back and looked at me.
"You needn't worry. My intuition tells me the Traveler will be the victor." He said.
"Right." I said.

This match was unlike any of the other we had seen today. They went back and forth trading blows. The traveler was obviously more agile but the man was a power house!
The Traveler was skillfully dodging most of his attacks and then counter striking, however the man seemed to be a master at parrying. Each strike that the traveler landed the man parried perfectly which left the traveler open. The man would then strike and then the traveler would dodge.
"This seems to be going no where" I said frowning. I looked at Kazuha and Beidou and they were extremely focused on the match. Their eyes following the movement of the fighting.
"Go traveler!" I heard Paimon yell from the other side of the arena.
I looked back and out of no where an extremely powerful slash came from the traveler. What?! And then slash after slash the traveler bombarded the massive man, causing him to break his stance. Everyone in the crowd gasped as the traveler dealt the final blow across the man's chest, causing him to fall back onto the ground. He seemed like the wind got knocked out of him because he was lying on the ground taking quick but heavy breaths.
"We have our winner!" Beidou yelled out and the crowd all cheered. We walked over to the traveler and gave them our congratulations.
"You were so good!" I said.
"You are indeed quite skilled" Kazuha said in agreement.
"You rock kid!" Beidou exclaimed and put her arm on the Travelers shoulder.
"Thanks you guys." The Traveler said smiling. Kazuha pulled the masterless vision out of his pocket.
"I believe this is now yours." He said. Tomo's vision... "See if you can rekindle the spark that has been lost."
The traveler held out their hand and Kazuha placed it in their palm. They inspected it closely. All of us watching in anticipation.
"..nothings happening" Paimon said. The Traveler nodded.
"I'm sorry, it doesn't look like I can get it to work again." Said the traveler as they gave it back to Kazuha.
"That's alright, I believe that a vision is not the source of one's power anyways, as you have proved today." Kazuha said as he slipped the vision back into his pocket. A soft smile on his face, he looked a little relieved not to have to let his friends vision go.
"Well then!" Beidou said. "Since you're still without a prize what can I give you as your promised reward?" Beidou said.
"I need a ride to Inazuma." The Traveler said. We all kind of stared at them in shock.
"You..want to go to Inazuma..?" Asked Kazuha. Both the Traveler and Paimon nodded.
"Well then!" Beidou said and clapped her hands together. "That I can do! Come with us and we'll show you to the Alcor."

When we arrived at the ship Beidou turned around. "Here she is!" She said with pride.
"Wow! This ship is so big!" Paimon exclaimed in awe.
"In order to get to Inazuma you'll need a big one!" Beidou said. "The ocean surrounding Inazuma has many big storms which could tare a small boat in half!"
"I don't remember any storms around there?" I questioned.
"You probably wouldn't y/n." Said Kazuha. "You were wounded so badly you slept right through it."
"Ah..that makes sense.." I said, a little embarrassed.
"Wounded..?" The traveler asked.
"Yes..I was on the run from the vision hunt decree and one of the guards stabbed me with his spear.." Kazuha took my hand to comfort me. Beidou noticed and smirked a little. "If it weren't for Kazuha finding me and bringing me to the Alcor, I wouldn't have made it."
Paimon gasped. "That's awful y/n! The raidens men would hurt their own civilians?"
"Yes..they would.." Kazuha said sadly. "Those who dare to defy the Almighty Shogun are shown no mercy.." I squeezed his hand and he looked at me and smiled softly.
"That's horrible..." The Traveler said.
"You're certain you want to go there?" I asked.
"Yes." Paimon and the traveler said in unison.
"I need to find out more about my twin." said the Traveler.
"Your twin?" Beidou questioned.
"Yeah! The traveler has been to Monstadt and Liyue hoping to meet the archons and ask if they know anything and their lost twin!" Paimon said.
"Wow..they must mean a lot to you if you're willing to ask the shogun her self" I said.
"Yes." Said the Traveler.
"Well then! Let's get ready to head off to Inazuma!" Beidou exclaimed.

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